Chapter 16- If you want to know what a man's like

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Author's note: This chapter is dedicated to Dancing_Horcruxes who would stay up late so she could read my chapter the moment i posted it. She is also a very enthusiastic fan who is very dedicated to this fic. Thank you so much! This is the second post i have made today to give a special thanks to those who commented on this fic and tried to encourage others to do the same so we could reach the '10 comments' goal. Thank you all so much for taking the time to share your thoughts- it means so much to me. And please, if you're out there reading, take a few minutes just to let me know what you think- i (and my other readers) would love for you to comment :) Enjoy!!!

Chapter 16- 'If you want to know what a man's like...'

"Severus, I tried to administer the potion, but he refused to take it," Madam Pomfrey said as Snape followed the three children into the Hospital Wing. Poppy was expecting Snape to be annoyed with her, but Snape knew how stubborn Potter could be. 

"Hi, Dad! Are you hurt?" James asked as he approached his father, who was sitting up in bed. 

"No James, I'm fine," Harry replied smiling, delighted to see his two sons and niece. 

"Potter, we need to talk," Snape interrupted because although Potter was currently unaware, he wasn't 'fine'. 

"Just let me talk to the children first okay?" Harry suggested, staring at Snape. 

Snape nodded. It was only when Snape turned around to get his potion supplies from the dungeon that he noticed Albus still hadn't entered the room. Although Al told Snape he was ready to see his father, nothing prepared him for the sight of his father in bed and the possibility of another vision occurring. 

"Mr Potter, it is safe to enter the hospital wing; no one's going to bite," Snape asserted, sneering a little; not that he thought the boy actions were unreasonable, but after the moment he and Al just had in the dormitory, Snape felt it was necessary to keep up appearances whilst around Harry. 

"Come here, Al. Are you alright?" Harry asked realizing what kind an ordeal his son must have had earlier that night. As Al walked towards his father Harry could tell immediately that his son was upset and worried. Nevertheless, Albus answered his father with a smile on his face. 

"I'm okay, Dad," but then the boy turned to look at Snape and added, "but you're not, Dad." Harry followed his son's gaze to Snape's concerned expression and realised that something must be wrong. Perhaps he did need to talk to Snape about what happened... 

"I'm so sorry, Dad..." Albus mumbled at the ground. 

"Al, it wasn't your fault," Harry said, reaching towards his son who had tears in his eyes. 

"What did Al do?" Rose asked, realizing that perhaps her cousin had something to do with the Dementors and Greyback. 

"Yeah, Al. Why didn't you talk to us in the common room?" 

"Did you want to talk about it, Al?" Harry asked kindly. 

"Um... is Mum coming?" Albus asked looking between his father and professor. 

"Yes," Harry replied; "Professor McGonagall sent her an owl when I arrived in the hospital wing. She won't be much longer," Harry asserted. "Did you want to wait until she arrives?" 

Albus nodded; he didn't want to talk about it twice. 

"While we are waiting, I need to set up a few things. I will not be long," Snape asserted, turning to leave the wing. 

"Professor Snape, where are you going?" Harry asked curiously. 

"I am going to my lab Potter; I need to begin brewing an antidote for you-" 

It is our choices (A Harry/Severus friendship fic post DH) (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now