Chapter 8- The consequences of our actions

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Author's note: I dedicate this chapter to AshleyRose- i know she will be delighted by it! I wish to thank her for feeling that being dedicated to in this fic would be an honour. It is an honour to have a fan like her, especially one that is now determined to read everything else i have written and for commenting on so many of my chapters! Thanks so much! :) I know a lot of you (perhaps all of you) have been waiting for this chapter :D I truly hope it lives up to your expectations. Please, please let me know your thoughts :) Happy reading!

Chapter 8- 'The consequences of our actions...'

Stepping out of number 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry held Lily's hand tightly as they descended the stairs and turned down an alley way. Quietly, Harry said to his daughter: "We're going to Apparate now, just hold tight to my hand, it won't take long." Lily nodded and Harry could tell she was a little afraid, but hoped her fear would be eliminated once she set her eyes on Hogwarts. Spinning on the spot, holding Lily close to him, Harry felt the familiar sensation of being squeezed through a rubber tube. After only a couple of seconds, Harry and Lily landed on the outskirts of Hogwarts grounds. 

"Lily, are you alright?" Harry asked his daughter, bending down to get a good look at her face. At first, Lily seemed a bit disoriented and didn't answer her father, but eventually she answered, "I don't like Apparating much."  

Harry smiled.  

"Neither did I when I first Apparated. Do you feel okay?" 

"Yes, Daddy." And then as if only just realizing where she was, Lily exclaimed "I can see Hogwarts!" 

Harry laughed. "Yes Lily that's Hogwarts. Well we better get moving; we need to find your brothers." 

"Why are we here anyway, Dad? Are Albus and James in trouble?" 

"No, Lily, Professor McGonagall asked me to come. Don't worry; you'll find out what we're doing soon enough." 

Lily nodded and held her father's hand as they began to walk towards the castle. Lily was in awe when she saw how large the front door was and by the beautiful grounds that surrounded the castle. However, she never spoke; it seemed she was beyond speech as she stared open mouthed at the school that one day she would attend. Harry loved watching his daughter spinning around trying to look in every direction and he couldn't imagine how she would react once they entered the castle.  

Harry tried to open the doors, but they were secured. Producing his Patronus, Lily taking no notice of it for she had seen the stag several times, Harry sent it to Minerva to inform her of their arrival. After a minute or so, Harry heard footsteps behind the door and the door opened. The sound attracted Lily's attention, so she spun around and looked up into the face of Professor McGonagall. 

"Good morning, Professor McGonagall." Harry said happily; he was delighted to be back at Hogwarts. 

"Good morning, Mr Potter. And this must be Lily," Minerva said kindly, looking at Lily. Lily nodded, apparently too afraid to speak. "I have just sent for Albus and James, they should be joining us in the dungeons very soon. If you would both like to follow me," McGonagall gestured as she led the way towards the dungeons. Last time Harry gave a talk, he spoke in the Great Hall for anyone who wished to listen. He found it a little discomforting that he would be giving his talk in the dungeons for the place brought back so many memories. Harry felt sorry for Professor Derwent who may have been forced to reside in what was Snape's quarters many years ago. However, Harry's concerns disappeared when he saw his two sons running up to him from the other end of the corridor. 

"Dad! Hi Dad! Hi Lily! What is happening? What are we doing in the dungeons? Isn't the Slytherin common room somewhere near here?" Albus asked excitedly, with a hint of nervousness. After only being at Hogwarts for a day, he already knew where the Slytherins congregated and had no desire to go anywhere near them. 

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