Chapter 14- Trouble usually finds me

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Author's note: I suspect that many of you will like this chapter. Questions shall be answered, and drama will arise :D Please, please remember to vote and comment! Thank you so much to all of you who already do! <3

Chapter 14- 'trouble usually finds me'

It was March and Rose was already studying for her exams even though they were two months away. Of course, Albus and James expected nothing less of their cousin and consequently they didn't annoy her when she was doing her work. Although Albus, James and Rose had made friends in their own years and with their own gender, they never had more fun than when they were together. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny knew this and were thoroughly surprised, not so much by Al and Rose's close friendship, but with James. As the eldest, Harry was sure he would by dying to get away from his younger brother and cousin. Although James still teases Al and hangs out with his friends occasionally, life in the Gryffindor common room wasn't the same unless all three of them were there. Of course, the adults had no problem with this and were happy that the children had each other for help and friendship. 

Since the children went back to Hogwarts after the Christmas break, which let's face it, was eventful, there hadn't been another Dementor sighting. Although Harry and Ron always had the Dementors in the back of their mind, they didn't think about it much anymore; perhaps Greyback had stopped trying to get past Hogwarts' defenses? Snape was thinking along similar lines. Although he was still skeptical about the way Greyback was smiling at him and his seeming determination to cause havoc, Snape hoped that by some lucky chance, Greyback had lost his nerve. 

Since the beginning of the new year, Minerva had several children begging her to invite Harry to give another speech in front of anyone who wanted to listen- not just fifth years. Minerva tried to say 'no', but after one hundred pupils asked her the same thing, there was little she could do but oblige. She wrote yet another letter to Harry requesting that he give another talk. Of course, Harry couldn't say no because he knew how much it would mean to his children and no doubt it would take a lot of pressure off Minerva's shoulders. But more importantly, Harry enjoyed talking to the students and would never say 'no' to another journey to Hogwarts. 

Minerva announced to the students, after receiving Harry's reply that Mr Potter would be coming in a few days to give another speech. The students were unbelievably excited and it was all they could talk about. Albus noticed that although Scorpius was trying to appear interested, he also seemed a little worried about the occasion. Albus, Rose and James agreed that perhaps, after everything Scorpius' father had told him about Harry, Scorpius was worried that Harry may single him out because of his dislike of Draco. Although Scorpius enjoyed attention, they concluded that he wouldn't want to be embarrassed in front of the whole school. Nevertheless, it was clear that Scorpius was looking forward to hearing Potter's story because his father was never able to give him a complete recount of the events twenty years ago. 

Snape had of course noticed the change in the school atmosphere when Minerva announced Harry's returning to Hogwarts and sneered; he couldn't believe how excited all these children were to hear about it. To be honest, Snape was getting sick of hearing about Voldemort, the Death Eaters and all the people that died. These children saw it as something exciting and entertaining, whereas Snape and the staff saw it as their life, not a story...


When Minerva announced that Harry was going to give his talk after dinner on Friday night the students went ballistic; they couldn't imagine a more perfect 'bedtime story'. Snape couldn't believe what he was hearing in the corridors and vowed that under no circumstance would he listen to Harry's talk again, especially because he didn't want to see how much the students were enjoying it; there was nothing to enjoy, only remember. 

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