Chapter 7- It's not much, but it's home

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Author's note: Thank you to everyone who has commented and voted! So many of you are such avid readers of this fic- i feel honoured. My apologies to those who haven't had time to catch up- the 5 comments per chapter idea seems to be achieved quite fast these days! Thanks so much for reading- all of your feedback and votes mean a lot to me :)

Chapter 7- 'It's not much, but it's home.' 

One year later

Ever since Minerva informed Snape that he had been accepted as the Defense against the Dark Arts professor, Snape had made an effort to keep in contact with Lucius more often. Although he never ventured into the wizarding world incase he saw Potter, he did decide to settle his affairs in Spinner's End so that he could return to the magical world in the near future. 

It is now August 2016 and one more month until Snape would be returning to Hogwarts. Only a couple of days ago, Snape met Scorpius, Draco's son and couldn't believe how much he looked like Draco. If Lucius thought that was nothing special, then he shuddered to think how much Potter's son resembled his father. Scorpius seemed intelligent enough, but having been raised as a Malfoy, he had obtained many of the prejudices and the upper class snobbish air that was associated with wealthy, pure blood wizarding families. When Snape dined with the Malfoys two nights ago, Lucius seemed pleased with Snape's slow progress back into the wizarding world and he reassured Severus that Scorpius would not mention anything about their meeting until he returns to Hogwarts later that year.  

Back at home however, Snape was attempting to organize his potions. After nineteen years, Snape realised you begin to gather many concoctions but have no where to store them. Snape didn't wish to tip them down the sink, nor vanish them so decided to keep a sample of each in bottles and place them on the shelf incase he ever wished to use or recreate a particular potion; he liked to keep a record of the potions he has created. However, there was one potion Snape was still in the middle of brewing, one of his own creation. Unfortunately, the first stage of brewing takes roughly four months, so he wouldn't be able to add the other ingredients until around Christmas time.  

After cleaning his lab, with only the cauldron filled with green liquid left on the table, Snape was satisfied that he was ready to leave for Hogwarts in a couple of weeks.

That night, Severus woke up at four in the morning. He cursed himself and turned over in an attempt to go back to sleep, but images from his nightmare kept returning. Recently, Severus was having dreams about going back to Hogwarts and what may happen. He realised the entire thing was ridiculous as there was no way his students would laugh at him and call him 'Snivellus'. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop the past from haunting him. The most vivid dreams he had however, were of Harry confronting Snape for the first time in nineteen years and Snape being forced to endure a fifteen minute rage where all he could focus on was the anger in Harry's green almond shaped eyes... 

Snape knew that he would probably never see Harry again unless he chose to see him which of course, would never happen. Severus knew that Harry was not a professor at Hogwarts and as long as he stayed away from the ministry, Snape felt he was safe from being yelled at by Potter. Yet despite all of these reassurances, Snape still had nightmares and it angered him greatly that he was so worried about Potter and his opinion of him. After all, that 'boy' was now a man... a man he hoped never to see again, for Harry would have nineteen years of welled up anger ready to throw at Snape the moment they meet again. Snape contented himself with the possibility that he never would have to endure such a moment.


Dear Mr. Potter, 

It is with great pleasure to invite you back to Hogwarts to give a speech, by popular demand from the students themselves. However, I have restricted the audience to the Defense against the Dark Arts class doing their fifth year because I hope you will be able to give them some useful information regarding NEWT level DADA, and perhaps persuade them to continue with the subject. It would be ideal if you could suggest a time that would suit you, but if you are flexible, the first day of classes would be ideal so the students will not be distracted in classes prior to your arrival. Of course, the choice is completely up to you. I look forward to your reply. 

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