Chapter 18- The choice between what is right and what is easy

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Author's note: I dedicate this chapter to Darthbeast, who believes my fic should be made into a movie! Thank you for the amazing compliment :) And thanks also for later calling Severus 'bad ass' :P I hope you guys enjoy this chapter- i really enjoyed writing it! Be aware of more drama :D Let me know what you think! I can already imagine the commments :P Also, if you guys are wondering when the next chapter will be posted, normally i post roughly 24 hours after the previous post. To check for updates, please look at my profile or status. Thanks and happy reading!!!

Chapter 18- 'The choice between what is right and what is easy'

After watching Snape leave the hospital wing, Ginny encouraged the children to pull up chairs before beginning to talk amongst themselves about Snape and their father. Once the children began to discuss their Professor's hugging of Harry yet again, Ginny sat in silence, hoping that whatever Snape told Harry, it was not anything too serious. Since Snape had now left the wing, she supposed she would simply wait for Harry to wake up. But the longer Ginny sat there waiting, the more anxious she became: surely if it was really important Snape would have mentioned something? But what if he didn't because the children were there? There was no way for her to find out what was so important, and wished desperately that Harry would wake up or Snape would return from the dungeons. Ginny stood up, the children falling silent as she walked towards the head of her husband's bed. She slowly reached down and placed her hands on his shoulders, wanting to wake the man up. 

"Mum, what are you doing?" James asked; all four children confused as to why Ginny seemed so desperate to wake him up. 

Ginny froze at the sound of her son's voice; she somewhat forgot momentarily that the children were there watching her. At the moment, she was so worried, so anxious about what Greyback was potentially up to, that she hadn't thought about the children and how confused they may be. 

"I was about to wake your father... but perhaps he needs the sleep," Ginny said and retired back to her chair. But the children were still curious. 

"But why were you going to wake Daddy up, Mummy?" Lily asked, a little worried for she noticed her mother was pale and strangely out of character as if in a far away place. 

"I just- I wanted to know what he and Professor Snape discussed, that's all," Ginny asserted, "but I can wait until he wakes."  

"Surely if it was something really serious, Professor Snape would have said something to you," Rose reassured her aunt. 

"You are probably right Rose," Ginny answered nodding. 

"What do you think they were discussing, Mum?" Albus enquired, wanting to know what his mother's suspicions were. 

"I am not certain, but I think Professor Snape has found out something about Greyback and his plans-" 

"You don't think he's going to try again, do you?" Lily asked, worried for her father's safety; she was really scared for him. 

"I hope not, Lily. But we won't know for sure so we must all be alert and wary at all times, okay?" Ginny replied looking at each of the children in turn. Each of them nodded their agreement. 

"Which memory do you think Dad was reliving just before we arrived?" James asked his mother. 

"I don't know sweetie and I suppose your father won't remember either. I guess we'll just have to wait until Professor Snape returns," Ginny answered, surprised that she hadn't wondered the same thing herself.  

The children continued to talk among themselves with regard to Nocens Memoria, Harry, Snape and of course, Greyback and what he may do next. But Ginny didn't wish to join in with their speculations; she couldn't stop staring at her husband's sleeping, tired body; she hoped they would get through whatever Greyback had planned for them all.

It is our choices (A Harry/Severus friendship fic post DH) (Watty Awards 2011)Where stories live. Discover now