Chapter 20- People his enemies are close to

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Authors note: I dedicate this chapter to Silentnicole for all of her wonderful comments and her enthusiasm for this story. Thank you so much- it's always a joy to hear from you! And now for a bit of action!

Chapter 20- 'People his enemies are close to...'

When James, Albus and Rose visited Harry later that morning, they were delighted and relieved that he was back to his normal self. This allowed them to concentrate more fully on their classes that day.  

After their classes were finished, they met Ginny and together went to visit Harry to see if he could come home, after Professor Snape did some final tests on him, of course. Luckily, Harry was perfectly fine and Snape was glad that the remedy potion worked as planned. Ginny and the children couldn't thank Snape enough for what he had done, though only Ginny knew exactly what did happen earlier that morning as Harry took her aside to tell her in private. Ginny was extremely grateful towards Snape and although she didn't think it would be right to bring up what happened with the man, she hoped that he could sense her gratitude. 

That night, after having dinner in the hospital wing, Ginny and Lily went home with Harry and arrived safely with no sign of Greyback or Dementors near Hogwarts or their home. Hoping against all hope that Greyback had given up on looking for the Hallows after failing his first attack, Harry was able to sleep peacefully that night.  

The following morning Harry returned to the ministry as Head Auror and was greeted enthusiastically by Ron who was glad to have his best friend back in action. But Harry knew that there were a few things he needed to discuss with the department, so he organized a meeting that concerned all of the Aurors and Kingsley. Assembling in one of the meeting rooms within the ministry, Harry called the forty or so people to order. 

"Excuse me, everyone. Sorry to interrupt your conversations but I won't be long here today," Harry said, adopting his authoritative tone. The room went silent as they looked up at the standing Harry. 

"My apologies for being absent the last couple of days, but for those who don't know why I was ill, I think it necessary to inform you because it could be a very important issue for this department." Harry now had everyone's attention and although most of them already knew why Harry was absent, they didn't know the whole story and were dying to know more. 

"I have evidence that Fenrir Greyback, a known werewolf and once a follower of Lord Voldemort is now at large." A few wizards looked at each other concerned, but a majority already knew this fact. 

"We also believe that he is responsible for releasing the Dementors, however we are unsure exactly how he is managing to do this. I can assert however, that he is planning to obtain information which would be very dangerous to the wizarding world should he retrieve it. As Head of the Auror department, I must emphasise how important it is that he does not obtain this information." 

"What information are you speaking of?" One of the Aurors asked. He was young and had only recently become an Auror. Harry had trained him himself and knew that the young man, at only twenty one years of age, had great potential. 

"What I am about to tell you is a secret, I will bind each of you to keep this information strictly to yourselves by way of this contract," Harry indicated a piece of long parchment in his hand. "Everyone in this room must sign it before I tell you anything further. If you do not wish to sign then I must ask you to leave, I'm sorry," Harry said apologetically but with authority. He knew he was being strict and perhaps a little too paranoid, but if he was going to tell a group of people about the Deathly Hallows still being in existence, he needed to make sure that all of them will keep it a secret from anyone who may be in Greyback's league.  

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