16. 3542

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The chapter is of 1420 words. Enjoy

"So, what do you want to talk about?" asks Four as I sit on the couch.

"I. . ." I start as he sits beside me, "I have been having t-these dream, visions, I've been hearing voices--"

"You're babbling."

"Ah, sorry." I take a deep breath and start again. "Let's start with visions first. In Manhattan I'd always have this dream. . .but nothing was ever clear, the scenes would just keep on shifting, and I never saw saw the faces of the people in the dream--"

"Could you please describe the dream." A crease forms between his eyebrows.

I nod and describe the whole dream in detail the the multiple emotions come and go from his face.

"They're not dreams, they're memories."

I just stare at him.

"The drop of blood falling into a bowl of burning coal. . .its the choosing ceremony. Tris left Abnegation and chose dauntless. Landing on a net is the way into dauntless, and the guy who helps you down the net was me. As for the part in which people are trying to push you into a river. . .It also happened. Two of your enemy's and one of your friends, they tried to push you into the chasm--"


"Because you were getting better during initiation and their ranks were getting lower."

"oh. "

"Back to the story, You and I also climbed the ferris wheel and while we were climbing down one of the bars broke and I kinda saved you."

"Why did we climb a ferris wheel? I mean that's kinda crazy."

He slightly chuckles,"One: Dauntless are crazy. Two: we were playing capture the flag and you needed a higher ground to get a better view."

"Got it. Continue."

"The boy you were kissing was me--"

He breaks off when I open my mouth in order to question.

"God, you're one curious person aren't you."

I ignore the statement,"You were my instructor. . ."


"Well. . .isn't kissing you're instructor wrong? Besides you're 2 years older than her. . .or me."

He sighs,"I've been through that question many times. And yes according to rules it's wrong, but one can't help their feelings. And as for the age difference, 2 years isn't much. Especially in dauntless."

"and kissing. . .?"

"Oh come on! You're making it seem like its a crime. Besides, I have kissed you--"

He stops speaking, probably by the look on my face.

"I'm sorry." he says.

"Yeah, you should be." I say in a bitter voice.

"You don't like me do you?"

"I don't like your habit."

He gives me a questioning look.

"Your habit of acting like nothing happened. You first kiss me like that and then act like everything is normal! "

He opens his mouth to speak but I don't let him.

"I don't understand Four. Am I your toy or something?" I stand up with rage

"No! Never. You're no toy Tris." he too stands up.

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