Plans at the alley

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* Devan's POV *
"Huh? Plan?" I asked Elizabeth. I was honestly lost.

"I believe what you said about Lucy because everything is starting to make sense." She said. Well I wondered how she thought what I said made sense though?

"How you figured?"

"Well, Lucy came into the picture when we are no longer friends with Amanda right?" I nodded my head showing her that I understood what she was saying.

"So it's obvious something is on. Like Lucy working with Amanda. And Lucy has been acting strange since morning so that is how I figured," she finished her sentence

"Oh, wow. At first I thought you were never going to believe me,"

"Well I believe my best friend more than anyone besides my parents."

"Hahaha, yea."

"I feel like we are on a mission!" She squealed.

"Oh you asked what was the plan? Well I thought maybe we should go with the flow with Lucy's plan and see where it takes us but if you receive any information please tell me immediately because I don't want you getting hurt." I said.

"Alright, I will. Well I think we need to go now but our separate ways because we don't want Lucy or Amanda seeing us walking together or else the plan might not work."

"Yea. Alright, bye! See you tomorrow," I said with a smile.

"See ya, bye!" She replied

I hope this plan works. I'm really worried with what Lucy and Amanda going to do. We will never know what they got in mind.

* Lucy's POV *

Since Devan and Elizabeth is not in a good term, I have a plan and I think Amanda's would agree with me. What's my plan? Well you got to wait and see. But now I need to text Elizabeth.

To: Hoe👹

Hey Elizabeth! Are you free tonight?

From: Hoe👹

Yea, why?

To: Hoe👹

I was thinking it would be great if we went on an adventure today since there is no homework or anything.

From: Hoe👹

Yea. I'm okay with it. Where do we meet and what time?

To: Hoe👹

6.30 at the alley.

From: Hoe👹

Alright! See ya later!

To: Hoe👹

Yea. See ya.

Great! Now I need to tell Amanda.

* Elizabeth's POV *
Well. Who goes on an adventure on a school night? She is so dumb and what she's doing is so obvious. Now I need to tell Devan about it at least I have a bodyguard if anything happens.
Wow to Lucy. What do you think her plan was? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ☺️ Don't forget to vote, comment and share this to your friends! 😇 thank you 😘💕🙆🏻

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