Prologue (Revised)

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"Amelia wait!" Looking up I see my boss, the CEO of Harding Industries, walking towards me.

"Mr. Harding, what can I do for you sir?" I say as I wait for the elevator. I know he doesn't like when I call him Mr. Harding or sir, so I do it just to aggravate him.

"Amelia, you know I don't like when you call me that. You've worked for me going on five years now and I thought we were friends." He says sticking his bottom lip out like a kid.

"You know, for a big important businessman, you sure do act like a kid sometimes."  I laugh at him.

The elevator finally arrives and we both step in ready to escape this place. I have to admit Austin really is a handsome man. He's 6' with dark blonde hair, perfectly sculpted body and a great personality, he really is the perfect man. Whomever catches his eye will be one lucky girl. Looking up to his face I see him smirking at me and I know he thinks I was checking him out.

"Before you even start, no I was not checking you out, I was merely lost in thought."

"If you say so sweetheart." He states with a smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up and just tell me what you want so that I can get home. I do have a life outside this place."

"I was wondering if you will be attending my party tonight?"

"Why did you even ask that?" I ask confused. "You know I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"I'm glad, because you deserve a night to let loose and have fun. Have you spoken to Joshua since the day you kicked him out?"

"Nope." I say popping th p. "I've tired to contact him several times, even left voicemails and sent texts, but he refuses to answer any of them."

"I'm sorry he is putting you through all of this sweetheart. It breaks my heart to know that you are so unhappy with him yet he won't sign the papers for you to go on with your life. Especially since you have fallen for some one else."

"Can we please not talk about him right now?" I ask as I look down to the floor.

"Okay but just know that he does care about you in his own way and that I'm here for you no matter what you decide."

"Please not now, I just can't." I say trying my hardest not to cry.

The elevator finally stop on the bottom floor and I step out saying a good bye to Austin and then head home. Once home, I cook supper and then decide to take a long, hot bath. Once done I start to get ready for the party. As I'm slipping on my dress, I hear the front door open and close then hear Joshua call out to me. He hasn't been here but once since I kicked him out, so what could he possible want?

"I'm in the bedroom." is all I can manage to say. After the conversation with Austin I can't seem to get Tyler out of my head.

"I came to get the rest of my stuff." He states walking to the bedroom.

"It's about time. Get it and get out! We're getting a divorce Joshua wether you like it or not, and the sooner you realise that the better off you'll be."

"Whatever Amelia! Where are you going dressed like that?" He scoffs.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I'm heading to the Christmas party that Austin throws every year." I say looking him in his eyes. "What does it matter anyway? We're getting a divorce, and I'm not you're concern anymore."

"That's where you're wrong Amelia. You might want a divorce but until I sign those papers I have a right to know where you're going and who you are with.  Another thing, don't you think you need to change that!" Hey says pointing to my dress.

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