Chapter 18: Part 1(revised)

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This chapter is dedicated to @sher38 for all her lovely comments. I am glad all of you are enjoying the book so far ,and I hope you're excited for what's to come. I know I am! Please continue to like and comment. Seeing your like and reading you comments makes my day a little brighter. I want to thank you all for sticking by my story, even though I haven't updated lately.

One more thing before I continue the story. This chapter is broken into two parts because it is so long. The first part does replay the prologue, but a few changes have been made since you already know who the characters are. I plan on having part two up either late tonight or tomorrow. FYI we are getting close to the climax of the story and I can't hardly wait. AHHHH! Again I am sorry for the long wait and thanks for your support. If you like the story please share it with your friends!

All the love M.

So without further ado......


It's been one week and five days since I found Tyler in bed with that girl. I've done nothing but think about out situation and what I should do. On one hand I know I should let him go, but on the other I don't know if I want to. Yes Tyler has done some unthinkable things in the last few months, but underneath he's still the sweet guy I have come to care for. Deep down I know I need to make up my mind so that I don't leave him hanging any longer than I have. It isn't fair for him or for my friendship with Austin.

Speaking of Austin, we're still on the outs. Ever since our last conversation about Tyler, he has been kinda distant. We talk, it's just not the same and if I'm honest I miss my best friend. This whole situation between the three of us is seriously starting to stress me out. We need to work this out soon before I loose it altogether.

Today is Thursday and it's three days before Christmas. I have always loved this time of year after all the joy it brings. Christmas has always been a big deal in my family. We love everything from the decorations, to spending time with each other, and the meaning behind it all. Every year I spend Christmas Day with my family and this year is no different. Austin is suppose to come with me but given the circumstances I don't know if he will or even wants to anymore. One can only hope.

As I sit at my desk thinking about all these things, I look down at my phone and realize it's time to go home. I gather all of the papers I have to give Austin before leaving and head to his office. I walk in without knocking and see Tyler sitting across the desk from Austin. When they hear the door close they both look in my direction and I just smile at them. They stand when I approach them and Tyler takes this time to excuse himself. He tells Austin he'll see him later, nods at me, and walks out the doer I just came through. I watch as the door closes then turn to face Austin. He is standing there watching me and when our eyes meet I can tell something is on his mind.

"Hey." I say finally breaking the silence.


"Um, I just came to bring you these papers and to see if you needed anything before I head home."

"No, I don't." He simply says.

"Alright the. I'm heading out." I say turning to walk away. This is how our conversations have been since that day. I hate that we are at odds with each other. As I'm reaching for the door knob, I hear Austin speak.

"Amelia wait."

I turn back to him hoping that this could be the day that we put all this awkwardness behind us. Looking back over to him, I notice he as walked around his desk and is now heading straight for me. The next thing I know is I'm being wrapped in his arms. I don't hesitate to throw my arms around his neck bringing him down to me. When Austin feels my arms around his neck, he pulls me even closer and lays his head on top of mine.

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