Chapter 2 (revised)

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The past month has been exactly what I imagined it would be, crazy! Tyler has been at the office everyday "working", or so he says. It's more along the lines of irritating me. He makes a point to come into my office every morning just to make sure I am aware of his presence. I guess you can say that I don't dislike him as much as the day I met him. Don't get me wrong, we aren't friends and I still find him highly annoying, I can just tolerate him a little better now.

As expected every woman in the office is completely taken by Tyler. They act as if they have never seen a man before, like he is the only one to walk these halls. There's no denying that Tyler is a very handsome man, but do they seriously have to throw themselves at him every time he is around?! These women come to work everyday in their smallest skirts and lowest cut shirts, I swear street walkers wear more clothing than they have been wearing. Do they not have enough respect for themselves, that they feel the need to try to catch a man by appealing to him in this way? The thing is he sees they do this and he doesn't give them a second look and yet they continue. Also because he finds it amusing to come into my office everyday to annoy me, they all give me dirty looks and the cold shoulder. As if them ignoring me is anything new. I don't need anyone else telling me whom I can and can't talk to, my husband does that enough.

I walk into the building heading towards the elevator when I hear Austin speak to me. Lord please don't let Tyler be with him this morning, it is just too early to have to deal with him. Turning I see Austin and directly to his left is a smirking Tyler. Oh just great! What a wonderful way to start off my day! Note the sarcasm. I look back to Austin and see him trying to hold back a smile, and with that I know that he has brought Tyler along just to annoy me.

"I will get you back you just wait." I say looking at Austin right in his eyes.

"What ever have I done sweetheart?" He asks looking down at me.

I just stick my tongue out at him and enter the elevator with Tyler and Austin following after me. Of course when Tyler steps in he finds in appropriate to stand next to me, our arms touching. I know before I look at him that he is smirking, because he knows that I don't like it when he touches me. That's why he does it often.

"Can you please move to the other side of the elevator by Austin and give me some space?" I say looking towards him.

"Now why would I want to stand by Austin when I can stand by a beautiful lady like yourself. I quite enjoy standing this close to you." He whispers into my ear.

I look over to Austin for help, but he is to busy holding back laughter to do anything. These two are going to be the death of me. I look back to Tyler before trying to push him over to Austin's side only to fail miserably. Why must he be so strong?

"That's not going to work love. Don't forget that I am a lot stronger than you." He smirks down at me.

"Why must you be so annoying?" I say just as the elevator reaches our floor.

I step off the elevator wanting to much as much distance between us as possible and immediately hear Tyler and Austin bust out laughing. If this is any sign of how today is going to go then please shoot me now. Tyler comes walking out of the elevator behind me and hurries to my side. Why must he keep on and on? Can't he at least give me a small break?

"Please don't be mad at me love, I was only teasing." Tyler says throwing his arm over my shoulder.

Austin comes up beside me with knowing look on his face, which I just ignore. We continue walking towards my office and everyone seems to be starring at Tyler and I. This is so uncomfortable for me. I can only imagine the comments I will receive after this.

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