Chapter 5 (revised)

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*Amelia's office.

"Austin Lane Harding!" I yell walking into his office.

"Amelia Nikole Tompkins!" Austin mimics me.

"Ooohhhhh! The middle names are coming out someone's in trouble." Tyler laughs.

"Shut it tyler! This is no joking matter." I snap at him. "And you! What were you thinking when you left the office yesterday? Huh? Did you really think that going to find Joshua and putting your hands on him was a good idea? God Austin why couldn't you just leave it alone like I asked you too?"

"Austin what did you do?" I hear Tyler ask.

"Amelia listen....."

"No you listen! Did you not think I was serious when I asked you to leave it be? You don't understand what you have done. He was so mad yesterday when I got home, and on top of being mad he was drinking. What if he would have taken his anger out on me again? What then Austin?" I say running my hands through my hair. I'm so mad right now I have tears running down my face.

"Sweetheart, I'm truly sorry. It's just when you told me about everything I was so mad. I genuinely tried to let it go, but the more I thought about it the madder I got. I never meant to make things worse for you." He says walking towards me.

"That's far enough."I say holding my hand out to stop him. "I can't be near you right now. I need you to let me do my work without having to see you for once."

I turn to walk out his door and I hear both Tyler and Austin call my name, but I keep walking. Once I'm safely in my office completely break down. I can't even think straight at this moment. Deep down I know Austin was just trying to help, but what if is would have back fired? He wouldn't have been the one to pay for his mistake, I would have. I stand there crying, looking out the window, when I hear my door open and fell arm wrap around me. I immediately know who the arms belong to and I relax a bit. Why do I feel so comfortable in his arms? After a few minutes I try to pull away but he won't let me.

"Tyler that's enough let me go please." I say moving again.

"Amelia please just stand here with me for a few more moments." He says turning me in his arms, so that I am now facing him. "I just want to comfort you, please let me."

Tyler wraps his arms tighter around me, pulling me until I have my head laid on his chest and he rest his chin on my head. I can hear his heart beat and it is so soothing. His intoxicating scent feels my nostrils, and I know I can't stand here much longer without doing something I will regret later. My arms are around his waist and I can feel his muscles against me. I try to ignore everything I am feeling, but it isn't working. His hands move from around my shoulders to around my waist, and I shiver when I feel his hand touch my naked skin where my shirt as risen up.

I pull back and look up at him, to see he is looking at me and he has a hard look on his face. Everything in me wants to look away but I am caught under the spell that his sexy blue eyes have me in. This is wrong, oh so wrong, but it feels so good at the same time. Tyler continues to rub my waist, but he brings one hand up to cup the side of my face. Unintentional I lean my face into his hand, loving the feel of his touch. He can make me feel so much just by one touch and it drives me crazy.

We stand there looking into each other's eyes for I don't know how long, when I see him start to lean in. I know I should look away and try to move but I can't. He leans his forehead against mine and I can feel his breath on my face. There is something so intimate about the way he is holding and touching me, and I love it. This is wrong and I know I shouldn't be letting him hold me like this, but at this moment I can't find a reason to care. My hands seem to have a mind of their own and move up to go around his neck. I catch my self running my fingers through his hair but stop when I hear him groan. Guess I know one thing that turns him on.

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