Chapter 4 (revised)

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*The photo is how I imagine Austin's office to look.

"Austin you don't understand, I am absolutely falling for her. I have never felt this way before." Tyler sighs. "We can't keep letting her get hurt by this man, husband or not? We both care for her to much for that."

"I understand that Tyler, but until she wakes up and decides that for herself there is absolutely nothing we can do." Austin replies back.

I stand there behind the bathroom door stunned by what I have just heard. This is not good, so not good. Why did I have to eavesdrop? Why didn't I just walk out there, then maybe I wouldn't know what I know now? I can't let either of them know I heard Tyler admit his feelings for me. I have to go on with life and pretend this never happen. Yes, Tyler is a very attractive man, but I can't let myself have feelings for him since I am still married. I stand there a few more moments gathering my thoughts before starting to walk out. As I reach for the door knob, I hear a knock then Tyler speak.

"Amelia are you alright love?"

"I'm fine."I say opening the door only to walk right into him.

I look up to see him looking back at me, and I immediately step to the side and walk away. I see Austin standing in the middle of the floor with his arms open and I just walk right into them. He is such a good friend that I don't know what I would do without him. I stand in his arms for several moments before I pull away and head towards the couch, only to have Tyler pull me into his arms. I stand there stunned yet completely comfortable with his arms around me.

"Tyler what are you doing?" I say pulling away from him.

"Austin got to hug you, so I figured I would too." He says smirking at me.

"You are such a dork." I say as I walk over and sit on the couch.

"I may be a dork, but I got my hug!" He says as he takes a seat beside me so close our legs are touching.

"Whatever!" I say looking back to Austin. "May I have my assignments for the day, so I can get started?"

"Are you sure you want to stay here and work?"Austin ask. "You can have the day off if you like."

"I'm fine! I have missed work for a week, so I think it's time I got back to it."

"Alright. If that's what you want." He says wearily.

"I'll be fine Austin. If this starts to be too much you'll be the first to know."

Austin tells me all the things I need to do and I write then down. I then head to my office to start on the list of things he had fled my to do. The day flies by with no eruptions from anyone, not even Tyler, which completely surprised me. After I've finished up the last assignment, I grab all my things and head back to Austin's office to hand him the papers he needs and say goodbye. I knock on the door and wait for him to answer, but he never does. I push his door open to find his office empty. Where could he be? He always let's me know before he leaves to go anywhere. I turn to walk out his door only to bump into Tyler again. I swear this man is everywhere I don't want him to be.


"No problem love." He replies.

"Do you happen to know where Austin is?"

"Nope. He stepped out of the office about two hours ago and all he said was he'd be back shortly."

"That's odd. He usually never leaves without letting me know first." I state as I walk back into his office with Tyler following.

"The two of you have an odd relationship!?"

"How so?" I ask confused at why he would say that.

"I don't know. Y'all just seem to be awfully close for just friends, and the way you let him hold and hug you just seems strange."

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