Chapter 21

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Picture above of our leading lady, just because she is so beautiful!! She is so my girl crush! SIGH! If you like the story please share it with your friends! Now onto the story!


Miserable! That's what I have been ever since Austin dropped me home two days ago. I have been holed up in my condo ever since. Austin has called me multiple times but we've only talked once. That one time we spoke I told him I needed time to myself, to think things over and he has respected my wishes. He has texted a few times to make sure I was alright but nothing more. This is going to sound weak, but I'm glad he hasn't called more that he has, because it would have only made me want to run to him. In all honesty, I need him more than I ever thought I would, especially at night.

On another note, Kylie called the day after I came home wanting us to get together for a girls night. Like Austin, I told her I had some things to think over but once I was done I would call her so we could talk. I ended up calling her last night and she is suppose to be coming over today. It's time I talk over everything with her so maybe I can figure out where to go from here. I haven't even rolled out of bed yet and I can tell today is going to be very emotional. Hopefully by the end of the day I will have clarity over this whole situation. I seriously don't know how much longer I could go on like this without going insane. Me cell phone ringing breaks me out of my thoughts. I roll over in the bed, grabbing it off the night stand, and answer it without looking at the caller id.


"Mia are you seriously still in the bed?" Kylie asks.

"Yes I am." I groan. "But I've been awake for hours."

"Something really is wrong if you are losing sleep?" She tries to joke, but I'm just nit in the joking mood.


"Alright then. I'll be over shortly and we can talk."

"Kay." I mumble feeling like I already want to cry.

After Kylie hangs up, I toss my phone across my bed and let out a frustrated groan. I can't believe I haven't even spoken anything to Kylie about Austin, and I am already becoming an emotional mess. If this is any indication of how today is going to go, then maybe I should stay in bed the rest of the day. Ignoring that thought, I climb out of bed and head to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. Once dressed, I head towards the kitchen for a cup of coffee when I hear the doorbell. I open the door already knowing it's Kylie, and step aside so she can come in. She walks to the living room while I continue on my path to the kitchen, where I fix us both a cup. As I take a seat next to her on the couch, I hand her her cup and sip from mine. Kylie places her cup down then turns to face me.

"Alright Mia, spill. What's going on?"

"It's complicated."

"Well make it uncomplicated and tell me."

"You know how Austin is one of my closest friends?" I say after several moments.

"Yeah, and?"

"How no matter what happens he's always there for me?"

"Get to the point Mia."

"Well," I pause. "I've been feeling things when I'm around him lately. Even before Tyler and I broke off whatever it was we had, I was feeling this way. It just keeps getting stronger every time I'm around him."

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