Chapter 17 (revised)

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This chapter is dedicated to @KeeblerRoar for all the votes and comments. You were the first one to vote/comment and you can't even begin to understand what that means to me. I just want to say thanks for sticking with me since the beginning! I love all my readers, even the silent ones. LOL! Hope you all are enjoying the book. Keep reading and letting me know what you think. We still have a ways to go. Kisses!

All the love! M


Rolling over and opening my eyes, I lay there for a few moments letting them adjust to the morning light. Noticing Austin's absence, I decide to head to the bathroom to have a quick shower before joining him downstairs. After showering, I wrap one of his luxurious white towels around me and walk towards the vanity.  I notice a note stuck to the mirror and reach for it.

        I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I love seeing your beautiful face first thing in the morning. The office called earlier with an emergency and I had to go in. Make yourself at home and I hope to see you this evening. Thanks for staying with me last night. 
                                  Love Your Buttercup,

I feel my face blush harder each time I reread the note. How can he make me feel this way without even being near, and why are his words making me feel like this? What is wrong with me? Placing the note onto the cabinet, I begin to walk into Austin's closet to find something to wear when my phone rings. Back in his room I find my phone on his bedside table and answer it.


"Good morning sweetheart."

"Hi." I say all of the sudden feeling flushed as I remember the note he left.

"Did I wake you?"

"Nope. I just got out of the shower and was about to steal some of your clothes to wear since mine are dirty." I say sitting on the side of his bed.

"Oh really?!" He says and I know by the sound of his voice he is smirking. "What do you plan on doing today?"

"Well first I plan on getting dressed, then probably get some food or maybe a smoothie for breakfast, and lastly I am going to go talk to Tyler about last night."

"Oh." I hear Austin say on the other end of the line. "Are you going to be alright going to his place by yourself?"

"I'll be fine." I say honestly. "We have to figure all of this out and I need answers from him."

"I understand completely sweetheart. You know where I'll be if you need me."

"Thanks Austin. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Me either." He whispers. "Would you like to come by the office to have lunch with me today?"

"Sure. What time should I come by?"

"Say around one."

"Sounds good buttercup. I'll see you then."

"Bye sweetheart."


I walk back to his closet deciding to grab a white tee and a pair of joggers, before headed out. After running by my favorite smoothie place, I head to Tyler's place not wanting to put this discussion off any longer. Arriving at his place, I head inside and the doorman let's me up to his penthouse. Once the elevator door open I am met by a pungent smell and clothes scattered everywhere. Before I ever reach his room I know what I am about to find so I brace myself for it. I stop at his door gathering myself before opening the door and walking in. What I find is exactly what I was expecting. There are empty bottles of liquor everywhere and more clothes on his floor, while he is laying in his bed, face down next to a half naked girl.

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