Chapter 15 (revised)

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Thanksgiving with my family and Tyler went pretty well. Although my daddy seemed to like him alright, my moma and sister weren't so sure. They both seem to be on team Austin when I comes to my love life. Imagine that!  Speaking of Austin, he's been gone for two weeks now visiting his parents and is due to return today. He left to meet them Thanksgiving day and decided to stay. I have to admit that I am so glad he is coming home because I have missed him some kind of bad. It's like I go through Austin withdrawals after a couple of days of not seeing him. He's like my own personal drug if you will. Weird, I know.

I am currently sitting at the airport, in a private room, waiting for his plane to arrive. Even though he has a driver who could pick him up, I insisted just so I could be the first to see him when he arrives. As I sit thinking over the last few weeks I can't help but smile. Things with Tyler have been going so well that I'm scared to say anything out loud, in fear I'll jinx it. Sometimes it seems like things are going a little too good, if you know what I mean. Like he is being this attentive because he knows he's done something he shouldn't have. Maybe I'm just being paranoid because of the way my last relationship ended. Who knows at this point. All I can do is hope he doesn't end up hurting me.

"Well I was expecting a better welcome home than this."

"Austin!" I exclaim, jumping from my seat to run to him.

I jump into his arms catching him completely off guard. He has to drop his bags to catch me so we don't both end up on the floor. I hear Austin laugh, as he grabs a hold of one of my legs that is around him with one hand, and wraps the other arm around me pulling me in as close as possible. I bury my face in his neck inhaling his sent that always seems to calm me down. Goodness I have missed this man while he was gone.

"I take it somebody missed me while I was away." He says and I can hear the humor is his voice.

"I did." I mumble into his neck.

I pull back to look at him and cup his face in both of my hands. He hasn't shaved in a few days so the stubble on his face tickles the palms of my hands. I catch myself rubbing it with one hand before I realize what I am doing. This is something new but it looks good on him.

"Thanks." I hear him say bringing me out of my daze again.

"What are you thanking me for?"

"You just said that this hair is new but it looks good on me."

"Oh." I blush. "I didn't realize I said that out loud, but it does look good."

"Thanks again." He smirks. "Can I put you down now?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say as I unwrap myself from around him. Now I just feel like an idiot.

"Don't apologize. I kinda liked your welcome home attack." He laughs.

"Haha. You're so funny." I say trying to pick up one of his bags only to have him take it from me.

"I've got the bags."

"Okay. Shall we get you home now?"

"Yes please." He smiles down at me.

Austin throws his free arm over my shoulder and I put mine around his waist and we head for the car. Walking out of the room we were in and into the main area I realize how full this place is. As we walk by a group of older couples I over hear one of the ladies speaking to her husband and then to us.

"Oh to be young and in love again. What a beautiful couple you two are."

"No, um we're not......." but before I can get the rest of the sentence out Austin says, "thank you mam."

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