Chapter 1: A Long And Rainy Morning

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*beep* *beep* *beep*

"Mhhnnn.. Monday already..?"

You turn your head to your left, your dark hazel hair getting in the way of your blue eyes as you reach for the "Snooze" button on your digital alarm clock.


It turned off, thus signaling that yes, you had to get out of bed. The weather was shady and gloomy, a soft rain pouring down on the 20th Ward, seeming more like a peaceful Sunday than a Monday.

Unfortunately, it was Monday.

Sighing, you arise from the covers and sheets, looking at the clock and blinking a few times, eyes opening wide under your unkempt hair.

"10:25am?? Damn it! I'm almost late for my first class!" You jump up onto your apartment floor, darting to the closet to scurry on something decent to wear.

Blue shirt, black jeans, and your usual leather hoodie. 'Good enough' you thought to yourself, as you scurried off into the bathroom to at least look nice instead of a wreck in an alright set of clothes.

Teeth done, check. Hair combed, another check. Deodorant-

You look up to the clock and see that 7 or so minutes have passed. "No time." You comment, stuffing the deodorant in a pocket, grabbing your bookbag and phone, and taking off for Kamii University, a few blocks away.

Quickly pulling up the hood, you run as fast as possible to the university, attempting to ignore the rain but it wasn't lightening up anytime soon, oh no.

In fact, it just kept getting harder and harder within the hour.

*thunder..* "Oh you have got to be-"

You look up at the main doors, having reached the University and they have a sign reading "Closed due to harsh weather". You give off a heavy sigh as the cold rain continues to pour down, a thunderstorm nearing by, as you walk home, unknowingly missing a turn and going right instead of left.

Thus, for about 30 minutes, you're left wandering alone, until something catches your interest.

A coffee shop, a few blocks down, with a sign that reads 'Anteiku' next to the stairway leading to the main door.

"Anteiku..? Anything's better than this rain."

You check your pockets and find your wallet, beginning to see how much Yen you currently have.

"Couple thousand.. I have plenty for a cup of coffee or two."

You approach the stairs, slowly walking up each smooth stone step, and you push open the door, hearing a tiny bell ring from the door.

//Author's Note\\

Yeah yeah, kind of a "life stuff" Chapter to get things kicked off, but it's late here and thus I wanted to make something more or less within the attention span of someone who really really needs sleep. Anyway. I do hope you enjoyed the first Chapter, and keep on the lookout for the next. Have a good day folks! :)

The Coffee Shop: Book 1 (Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now