Chapter 10 REVISED: To Keep Her Safe

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(Thanks for 2,000 reads! God this makes me happy. Enjoy!)


Glass spreads across the floors of the Ghoul Containment Area as all 3 Aogiri members storm in, slaughtering Doves here and there, who are putting up a fight.

"Kaneki!! Go for Touka!" Ayato yells, furiously "opening his wings." He nods and darts over to the containment center.

---In Your Cell---

"Aogiri.." Your father says.

"They're here for Touka. I'm taking her with me." You say, your blood boiling as you furiously rip off the cuffs, knocking out your father. "Sorry 'dad.' But you're not having me." You go as fast as you can to where Touka is being held.

You see a mysterious white haired man going for her as well. He's a ghoul. Jumping down, you make eye contact with him. "So.. you're the Eyepatch." You say to him.

"Oh? And how could you tell?" He asked, expression as blank as the first words left his mouth. A stare into your eyes with an eerie feeling.

"Take a guess." You reply, glaring. You know he's after Touka. The man merely chuckles in a sarcastic tone before stopping abruptly.

"Back off before I put you out of your misery." He spits at you with the same expression. You take a stance. "I'm not leaving without Touka." You say with your blood boiling once again. This guy, whoever the hell he is, is pushing you.

"Tell me.." He asks, sending a chill down your spine.

"What is one thousand minus seven..?" He cracks a knuckle and rushes a Kakuja at you. "AGGGH!" You scream as it pins you to a wall, the man popping another finger.

"I'll ask again. What's one thousand minus seven..?" Kaneki asks once again, at this point willing to kill you. But something stops him.

"K-Ken stop!"

He looks to his right, as do you. Touka is looking at both of us in tears. She had been watching the whole time. The whole confrontation between yourself and Kaneki.

"T-Touka chan.." You groan out as Kaneki slams you harder against the wall, rubble falling and cracking your back. "No one calls her chan but me." He growls out, tightening his grip on you.

"KEN STOP!" Touka yells, sobbing uncontrollably. She couldn't bear to witness this go on any longer. "Damn it Ken, please..!"

You manage to get out your claw kagune and slice Ken, rolling close to Touka's cell. "NNGH!.. T-Touka.." You cough out, blood getting on your hoodie. She takes your hand.

"Agh.. You insist on fighting back." Ken says, the cheek wound healing with incredible speed. This was terrifying.

"I fight to keep her safe." Your right eye activates as the other set of claws unleashes. You take a stand, fiddling with your red nails.

Touka awkwardly blushes in her cell. Ken sees just who he is from her expression and actions with you.

"So you're Touka-chan's boyfriend.." He states, almost glaring at you demonically.

"Is that a hint of jealousy, pal-" You're interrupted by another Kakuja slashing at you. It grabs you by the kneck and begins choking you. "I'll ask one more time. WHAT'S ONE THOUSAND MINUS SEVEN." His voice rises into a deep demonic tone, whether t be natural or from your state of conscience.

"N-Nine hundred and ninety three.." You spit out, coughing up some blood. He feels approval to 'let you live.' Thus, he drops you. Hard.

Touka's cell suddenly opens as she rushes for you, pushing Ken out of the way as she cradles your body, holding you in her arms.

"(Reader's name).. (Reader's name)..!" She shakes you, tears clouding her vision. You cup a hand to her cheek.

Kaneki looks in shock. He sees it wasn't a lie and that this wasn't some twisted reality. "T-Touka.." he thinks. And almost as if she heard him, she slaps him. Harder than you fell.

"Fuck. Off."

Those were her words to Kaneki. She wanted to break him so much, and yet it wouldn't do her any good. Things were about to get a hell of a lot worse.

At that time, CCG forces had begun flooding into the Containment Centre, rifles pointed at the 3. Well, 5.

"Kaneki!" Eto calls over, pointing to the temporarily sealed doors. They were locking all of you in. From the roof, hundreds of CCG soldiers were armed with high military grade firearms, high radius explosive devices as well.

"Ken, we're surrounded." Ayato says, looking over to his concerned sister. "Tou-"

"Don't even breathe Ayato, or I'll-" Touka was interrupted by a kiss from you. Ayato merely smirked. "Nice catch." Ayato called to you as you rose from the ground, popping your neck to gain your bearings with a smile.

"What, the kiss or your sister?" You chuckle as she furiously blushes. "You idiot, I thought you died!" She yells at you. "True. But hey, at least I'm perfectly fine now, right?" You talk back to her, Eto giggling as you look at them.

"This is no time for games." Kaneki says, already in a stance for combat. You simply nod. Even if this asshole nearly killed you, you know you'll have to trust him now that you're in need of escaping.

"Ghouls of the 20th Ward. You will either be exterminated or you will be contained!" Yoshitoki Washuu, the Bureau director says to the group.

"Well," Ayato comments. "if we die here today, at least the last thing I'd ever had done was watch some lovely-"

"Don't you fucking finish that sentence, Ayato!" Touka yells, furious at his brother for saying such things.

"What?! I was going to say roses."

//Author's Note\\

Revision! YAY! Hope you all enjoyed this long awaited update. I know it's not much, but I wanted to clear things up and improve before I make new stuff. Plus, it's nearly 1 in the morning. Night my lovelies! <3


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