BONUS: Long Time Coming

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3 years. 3 painfully long, cold years.

She can't bear it.

Touka Kirishima was able to find a way to grasp with the sudden death of you, even if deeply inside she threaded that you still lived.

Nevertheless, it took 2 of those years for her to finally cope. Doesn't mean she doesn't hurt for you, or forget the times you spent. She always has the rabbit necklace you gave to her on her birthday.

She finally set up that coffee shop she told you, Akari, and Yoriko, and has sense been able to live well and peacefully so. Speaking of, neither knew of your passing. Touka merely told them that you had parted ways with her and you moved to another part of Tokyo. That broke her, trying to say it.

-== At :re ==-
The door's shop bell jingles with every opening, altering Touka as early as ever. It was only 5am, but she needed to be up. "Welcome to :re!" She'd always reply to every customer, having her assistant Renji seat them. He glances over to her, rubbing a little at his stubble.

"Touka, you look like you haven't slept." He replies, she ignoring him a little and passing a silent yawn. Dark circles under her eyes give clear evidence. She stayed up thinking about you again.

"Mmph.." She finally 'replies', Renji giving a soft sigh and a light smile. He seats the woman who entered and takes her order, approaching Touka once again. He rests the order on the counter in the shop. "Touka.."

She looks up and sighs a little. "Renji, I'll be fine." She goes back to the order, proceeding to brew the coffee ordered.

It was going to be a long day ahead.

The Coffee Shop: Book 1 (Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now