Chapter 8: What's Lurking In Tokyo

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(Gonna start picking up intensity with this story. Felt like it needed some driving force. Enjoy!)

Nishki looked up at the cold rain outside of Antieku as he cleaned the counter, giving the first subtle glance of the day to Roma.

"Nani?" She replied to his silence, shifting weight to one leg. She thought she heard footsteps outside, but wasn't sure.

"Just shocked you haven't-?!" Nishki was hushed by Roma. Two CCG Doves entered the café.

"Welcome to Ainteiku." Roma and Nishki said in near unison, bowing politely to the Doves.

One of them nodded with a smile. His thick brown hair with a slight forward spike formed from his bangs, as if he scooped gel under them to form the slope from under.

His beard shared the same color, with a hint of grey as it connected all around his chin. Nishki remembers what you look like, and compares the two.

"No goddamn way.. " He thinks; He can't possibly be seeing the man he thinks he is.

The other looked like a low rank, nothing particularly special. But both had their suitcases.

"Latté.. Soft Brew, Vanilla Creme." The bearded Dove says, Nishki's eyes widening a bit before replying.

"Coming sir. You're apart of the CCG forces, I assume?" He asks, trying to blend in.

"Indeed I am. Special Class Ghoul Investigator Yokomari Shikimoto." He nods with a smile, drinking the latté he was brought.

"This can't be (Reader's name)-san's father.. If he ever knew he was dating a ghoul, he'd be screwed!" Nishki thought as he cleaned a few cups.

"This is a lovely place you have here. You two together?" The lower class investigator spoke up.

Roma and Nishki blush at the same time.

"N-Nani..?" Roma stands confused as always, only with a blush.

"I-I uh.. W-We're not.." *CRASH*

Nishki glares at her with a devilish anger.

By this point, he doesn't even want to ask what she dropped.

"RRRRRRRRRROMA!" He rolls the "R" off furiously as he rants at her, Yokomari just sipping his latté as the other stays quiet.

"You do great with conversations, Alex." He says to him.

Alex had moved from the US after wanting to travel the world after college. His ginger hair was a bit short, but none the less a bit scruffy.

"W-Well I was trying to be polite, Shikimoto-san.." He replies nervously.

Yokomari chuckles slightly. "Of course, but that typically isn't the kind of question you'd ask two people."

//A few minutes during..\\

You were walking home with an somewhat usually grumpy Touka. She didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Touka, are you-" You ask but your phone buzzes from a text from Nishki.

"If you're coming to Anteiku tonight, keep your hood and bandana on.. CCG."

Your eyes daunt to the floor, as you know who could be there. "Touka, let's head to my place."

"But I have things to get-" She starts but you interrupt her politely.

"There are CCG at the café. I don't want to risk anything, Touka-chan.." You say, hugging her tightly.

"Baka.. You're human, you'll be-"

"No, I won't be. My father, he-" You are interrupted by two CCG members walking up to you.

"Excuse me, young man? Do you happen to know a (Reader's name) Shikimoto?" One asks and your hands immediately go up.

"Just take me to him, damn it.." You say.

They nod and cuff you, Touka crying out for you, "(Reader's name)-san!!"

She tries as much as she can to struggle free, but her attempts do not succeed, as she hears one final sentence before being knocked out by the other CCG member.

"Sir, the Rabbit and a half ghoul have been taken."

//At the café..\\

"Good. I'll be with you in a few minutes."

Shikimoto sips the last of the latté with Alex and rises, Roma smiling as she finishes cleaning up the spilled cup.

"Got to get going. Thanks for the latté." He says with a smile, both him and Alex leaving a tip of a few hundred ¥ split evenly between Nishki and Roma.

As both men leave, a familiar face enters the café. A mask with a forever smiling grin rimmed in black leather and with an eyepatch of sorts, his white hair spilling out from his head.

His fingernails and toenails were glistened black from the insides, and his daunting grey eyes looking emotionless.

"?! You came at a bad time.." Nishki started, somewhat glaring under his glasses.


// Author's Note \\
Your welcome for the asshole like cliffhanger. This took a while to write, so please enjoy!
Also, 1.3k+ followers!!

P.P.S: I know I stated the Male!Reader as a human, but I couldn't help but make him a natural half ghoul. You'll see. ;)

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