Finale: It's All Over

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You let out a light chuckle at Ayato's joke. But now wasn't the time for meet n' greet. That can come later. For the moment, CCG forces were surrounding the rooftop, and could breach them at any moment.

"So, anyone got a plan, or are we running and killing?" Ayato comments, cracking his knuckles. You look over the group. "Unless we can make something better up, I'd have to go with that."

"Bakas.." Touka scoffs lightly, standing up with her hair in her face, lightly moving.

You look to Touka. "Hope to God she's alright..." You 'pray' , keeping your Ghoul state. The rest of the group activates their states, demonic eyes flashing around the room as they join with you.

Kaneki looks to you. He glares, but has no intention of killing you, at least not with Touka-chan here.

You glare back, your claws sharp and ready. You gaze at all the soldiers, some coming down on ropes to surround the group.

"We have you surrounded!" The squadron's captain called out.

Semi-automatic and Precision Recon-class firearms aimed at them, barrels cold to the eye, as if they could be heated from just a single bullet.

You feel something you haven't before.

Bravado? Not exactly.
Overconfidence? No.


"There's too many.. Damn it Kaneki, what the hell will we do?" Ayato glares, the group still surrounded. Their guns were pointed at the Ghouls with a steady aim.

One wrong move and they'd be shot.

"It's risky, but it's something I can attempt. (Reader's name), I'll need your assistance,"
He states, you nodding in assurance. "I hope you don't mind being thrown."

"Wouldn't be the first time." You say, ready to end this once and for all. One of Kaneki's Kakuja wraps around you. You steady your claws as he chucks you above to the windows, bullets raining like hell on the evading Ghouls and around you.

"Fire damn it, I SAID FIRE!" The captain yelled at the teams furiously, tired of them missing.

You land and begin tearing the soldiers apart with your claws, blood and bullet shells spilling over the floor and glass. Within a few minutes, almost everyone is dead. The captain and the last few soldiers evade to the streets.

"(Reader's name)!" You hear Touka call out in worry, knowing you'll follow the soldiers and try and take them out. "Go! I'll keep them under control! I promise I'll meet up with you!" You reply, yelling as helicopters start flying in as you drop from the window.

Soldiers from different CCG Wards were all here to kill you off and take you down. The sound of helicopters were the only things heard. You begin to see past the sirens that your father, recovered from the blow he took from you, is approaching.

"(Reader's name)... Son.. It doesn't have to end like this." He spoke to you with concernful eyes. "I never wanted to have called military ballistics like this. I was hoping you'd comply."

You softly chuckle. "Since when have humans and ghouls ever 'complied', father? You only wish to do the same job you did with my mother to me."

"You want your only son dead." Your words come out coldly and harshly out towards your father. He stood there, the upper part of his face shadowed from his hair.

He stands there, wind chilling across his coat from the helicopters above. Soldiers pier their eyes from their gun's iron sights to view the scene.

The Aogiri Tree and Touka watched from a vantage point as you spoke coldly to your father, keeping a close eye for any rooftop CCG marksmen.

"(Reader's name)-san.." Touka held a closed fist to her heart worried for your sake.

"I'm sorry." Your father quickly, yet subtlety uses a weapon shaped to that of a scimitar but from a ghoul to shove into your heart.

"Guhh!?" You try to gasp for air as you fall to your knees, coughing up blood as you proceed to try and remove the blade, it tightly in your chest.

Touka can't watch. She jumps from the building, the Aogiri Tree trying to stop her. Kaneki calls them off. "Don't. Let her go to him." He says, a hand slowly falling after being subtly raised in a signal.

"(Reader's name)-san!!"

You catch her in a glimpse, soldiers raising their guns as her but your father gives a signal. Suddenly they stand back at guard as Touka approaches you.

"T-Touka.." You cough out a little blood with a small smile. Touka's at the brink of tears as you slowly put a hand to her cheek, smiling brightly with closed eyes. The same smile you gave her as you first met.

You felt a bit cold, as if about to pass. Your hand slips from her as your head rests on the asphalt road, the blade still imbedded in your chest. The last thing you feel is her, trying to hold you and keep you awake, but to no avail.

And it all started.. In a little coffee shop.

The Coffee Shop: Book 1 (Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now