Chapter 7: Christmas

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(Image is of my kittens, the white-black one meant to be the one of the reader's. Also, I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS LATE CHAPTER! Enjoy! :3 )

Today was a wonderful, holiday filled day full of snow, cookies, gifts, and other festive things.
Well, unless you're currently in 2015.

For 2015, everywhere was relatively warm, and if not raining. It was merely like spring, only with Holiday crap. And your Touka-chan off from work for today.

She walked up to your apartment, well more like ran from all this dreadful storming. Her bunny hoodie was on and so was her new black sweater, which you have her and she cherished.

She knocked upon your door. *knock knock*

"(Reader's name)-san! It's Touka!" She called out to you.

A note was on the door, which read: "Key's under the doormat, Touka. Go on in, might be asleep. <3"

She smiled, looking under as there was indeed a spare key with a nicely made rope around the hole.

She inserted the key, twisted left then right, and opened the door. The first noises she heard were you snoring and a meow. *meow!*

She turned her head to the right and saw the pretty white-black kitten on the chair next to the door. Its tail swayed back and forth, and it really wanted Touka's attention. The eyes a light cyan, giving a lovely shine as they looked at each other.

"Aren't you cute.." Touka said, with a smile.

She let the kitten sniff her hand, it doing so with curiosity, before wrapping it's paws around her right sleeved arm, nuzzling it and licking her hand. She merely responded with "Aww!" and allowed the kitten to resume.

It eventually stopped the loving nuzzles, allowing Touka to set down the present she got you.

You didn't have any festive decorations, as you had some money but no job. Touka thought for a minute about asking you to apply at Anteiku.

But this was Christmas.

Jobs can wait later.

She walked around your apartment, which was plain in itself. She peeked into your room, watching you sleep for a bit.

Your hair was scrambled up into a mess, and you were drooling a bit. Touka found it cute.

It took hours upon hours of waiting, but you eventually awoke to your alarm. 5 hours late, mind you.

*beep beep beep!*

"Mhh... W-Wha huh..?" You 'say', really just giving off confused grunts, nothing of actual talk.

"Good evening." You hear a familiar voice say, your kitten jumping onto your bed and straight into your face.

"Ow.. Hey Mino.. Touka.." You smile, cuddling your kitten as Touka sits on the side of the bed.

You chuckle. "I don't bite~"

Touka scoffed jokingly. "Yeah, but I do. Hard. Painfully hard."

You just came up to her and kissed her on the lips, a blush on her face as she kissed back. Guess she's still not used to kissing.

"I-I made you- us coffee.." She flushes, knowing she's nervous and such, albeit an adorable asshole at times.

"Is someone nervous, my beautiful ghoul..?~" You tease, her eyes shutting with an even darker blush.

"A.. little.." She replies, the blush not leaving her face by this point.

"Well I hope you like what I got y-" She stops your sentence with a hug, wrapping her arms around your chest.

"Please, you've gotten me enough by this point.." She says, tears forming in her eyes.

You just smile and caress her cheek, kissing her lips again. "Touka-chan.." You say with a smile.

You slip a ring onto her finger, one with Crimson jewels and a bright diamond in the middle.

She stared in awe, nearly crying again until you stole a kiss from her.

"Baka.." She called you, a frown on her face. "You better not have spent all your cash on me.."

"Noooooooooooope!.." You say, obviously lying.

"...Yes..." You still smile, Touka slapping you hard of the bed.

She looks to see if she's taken dominance.

She certainly has not.

"Cat pounce!" You say, cutely making Mino dart to her and lay on her flat stomach, as you begin tickling her.

"Nyaaaa!" She says, giggling and laughing hard as you tickle just under her breasts.

"Stoop..! I'm gonna pee..!" She says mid giggle, you eventually stopping her 'suffering'.

"N-Nōtarin.." She says, cuddling you as you return the favour.

"Merry Christmas, Touka-chan." You say, smiling and kissing her forehead.

"M-Merry Christmas, my baka.." She says, calling you her idiot.

"Rephrase that to my baka, please- Ow!" She punches you in the shoulder again.

//Author's Note\\
HOLY SHIT! This story has 800+ reads! And people are liking it?!?! Please spread this story of mine around! I love you guys (the little of them you are 😂) I want to write another story, but I wanna continue this. Maybe something else Tokyo-Ghoul related.

Also, I wanna thank FaithSebastianHsi for being an flat out fantastic author. Her sad shit makes me hate her, but the happy stuff love her. :3

Gonna take a break from chapters, this took days of thought. :P

Edit: Removed the WIP.

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