So um... I need to explain some things.

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Yes, I'm still alive. Don't fret my lovelies. I've just been away for awhile. Why's that?

Well, that's kinda cause I've had not a single damn idea of what to write in the first place.

So um.. sorry bout that. As for current projects, if you can call them that.. well.. don't get pissed guys but don't expect a sequel book anytime soon. I know I'm breaking my promise, but I've had no drive to write anything until recently. And I still don't have Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 to write off of. As for the lemon, again, I don't really have a drive to write anything so I can't say if that'll really be coming. 

Now I know exactly what you're thinking Mr/Ms. Reader. "Well gee Touka/Lucy/fuck me i don't know my aliases online enough, all this news sounds like horseshit!" Yes anon reader, it is. But I do have some good news.

This is for my Zelda fans (the few of you out there, hai.) as well as any folks that are into Re:Zero, as this anime I've really grown to love. Enough so that I bought the novelization in 4 books! So, I've had a little.. unique idea planned out, a crossover fanfic that will involve a similar ideal to The Coffee Shop, in which the main protagonist, pretty boy Link himself, will be undergoing the general plot of the anime, this case being Re:Zero, but events will go quite differently but still stick to the major plotpoints, again,  in a similar fashion to The Coffee Shop. (and yes the ship will be towards REM and not Satella. Link's not as bluntheaded a fool as Subaru.)

This is my hopeful return to the writing scene, so I hope it goes well. I apologize my Tokyo Ghoul fans, the book's not done forever! Just.. waiting on the damn anime. Love you guys.


PS. As for a release date for the first chapter, could be about a week. I wanna put some real effort into this one. I rushed most of The Coffee Shop, if you want me to be honest.

The Coffee Shop: Book 1 (Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now