Chapter 3: A Question (15+)

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(WARNING: This may contain content viewable only by those 15+ or mature enough to read it. Same goes for the image itself. If you feel as if this is in need of a Mature rating, notify me and I shall change the story to a Mature setting. Thank you, and enjoy.)

*tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*

For what seemed like hours that Tuesday morning, both Touka and you texted back and forth and back and forth, it seemed as if you'd never stop.

And then she'd accidently sent you a pic. (Similar to the one above, minus the spotted background)

(Reader's Name): T-Touka-chan???

Touka: J-Just take it.. Before I change my mind..!

(Reader's Name): Y-You look cute Touka..

Touka: Whatever.. It's getting late, I'll see you in a few hours at Kamii..

Shrugging, you save the photo on your phone, taking a look at it one last time before getting ready for Kamii.

You toss on a white shirt and some blue jeans, tieing your shoes and other such common things before heading out the door.

"No rain. Guess I have classes today after all." You comment, walking along your typical path towards Kamii.

Thinking of that pic Touka sent you, your face flushes in a blush as you study it closer. Her sleek body, her rather primitive set of-

No, you were NOT going to think of that so early.

Maybe later... But not now. After several minutes of walking you end up at Kamii early and enter the Cafeteria Complex to start the day.

//Hours Pass On.. 12:18pm\\

You sit down in the Cafeteria again, looking over your social media status and letting out a light yawn when two people it in front of you.

"Mh.. Who is i- Oh. T-Touka chan.." You look up and see that Touka and her friend were the ones sitting there. She looks to her left, a blush on her face.

"Hi! I'm Yoriko Kosaka. I presume you and Touka have met?" Her friend asks you.

"I'm (Reader's full name). And yeah, you could say that."

You give a light smirk to Touka, her blush darkening. "Oooo, okay..! Are you two dating?" She asks, giggling.

You blush and cover your face with your leather jacket, as Touka's blush is so dark, that you can't tell if she's embarrassed or not.

"Y-Yoriko..! We- I- We're not..!"

"Oh, my bad you two! You just seem perfect for each other.." She apologies and lifts up your Beats headphones.

"See? You're even listening to.." She takes out one of Touka's earbuds, and Touka and you are both hearing the same song. "..the same track! You two just fit!"

She smiles warmly, both you and Touka staying silent with a blush.

She smirks, talking in a more "kink-ish" tone.

The Coffee Shop: Book 1 (Touka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now