A New Job

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I follow alongside Bruce as we walk downstairs to his lair. I smile and he looks down at me, smirking and then looking at Dick who's on my other side.
"So what good are we going to be doing today?" I giggle as I tug on Bruce's shirt, eager to get into costume.

"Probably some of our most important work yet." He says, getting a little serious.
"Oh, hmmm." I say and look forward as we walk down the stairs to the bat-cave.

I run ahead of Bruce and Dick and open the case to my costume, quickly throwing off my clothes and changing.
"Can't you wait?!" Dick yells, turning back, shielding his eyes.
Bruce places his forearm over his eyes and looks down, making his way over to his costume.

"She's very eager, let her be Dick." Bruce says, keeping his gaze down.
"I guess so." Dick says, walking over as I finish getting dressed.

It feels like the first time I've ever worn this costume, but that can't be? I wear it all the time. Obviously. Maybe I just ate something weird and I just don't remember what happened yesterday? My whole brain is hazy.

I slip my boot up over my knee, and place my mask over my face as Bruce and Dick finish getting ready.

"Remember, V." Bruce looks at me, getting stern. "Today is not a day to play around. Focus on Dick and I. If something happens you come right over to one of us. Got it?" He says.
I nod and Bruce and I get in the bat-mobile while Dick hops on his motorcycle.

"But you didn't exactly explain where we are going?" I question Bruce, looking over at him as he starts up the vehicle.
"We're going to put The Joker away for good." He says.


Something in my brain clicks, but it's not strong enough to make me feel anything is weird.
"Alright..." I say and look forward outside the windshield of the car.

Bruce looks at me through the corner of his eye, giving me a weird glare.
"Just let us do the world. He's really strong and you're still a little weak." He said, patting my head lightly.

I nod hesitantly and patiently wait to arrive at the location.

As we arrive at an empty warehouse men scatter inside the building, throwing their views from their guns on us. Bruce, Dick, and I jump from our vehicles and get into fighting position.

The men all look at me weird, and take their aim off of me, but just me.
"What the?..." I hear some of them whisper to each other.

"Why is she?..." They continue on, and stammer after Bruce and Dick. As they fight, a man comes up to me, and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"The boss will have something to say about this girl." He says. I hit his back and struggle to get free of his force.
Bruce and Dick don't even notice this is happening, but for some reason I don't really fight back or yell, I let it happen.

The man carries me inside, placing me on a chair in an empty room, and then I hear talking from outside the room.

"We found her..." I hear the man say, and then I hear a gasp and a giggle.

The Joker slowly walks into the room, and walks up to me, placing his face inches in front of my face.
"My little one..." He says, grinning at me.
I give him a confused look and look him up and down.
He places a finger on my chin, lifting up my face to look him in the eye.

"What did Batsy do to you?..." He said, his smile turning into a frown.
"I...ugh..." I stammer.

"Remember....me?" He says, stepping back and posing like a model in a TV game show, and twirls.

I look him over again, and my brain zaps my body, and I feel light headed, and confused.

"Do you even know who you are??" The Joker says, coming back over to me, shaking my shoulders.

"Purple...." I begin, but my head is killing me.

"Yes!! That's right!" He says, waving his hands, waiting for the rest of my response.
"Jest....S-shadow...?" I say, feeling my brain shoot more bolts into my body, and I flinch, almost falling to the ground.

"He obviously messed you up. I'm not letting him take you back. You're mine, not his. No matter what that fool has told you, you belong with me and not with the dumb heroes. Your name is The Purple Jester. You are my sidekick!  I'm not letting you forget all we've been through." He says as he picks me up and shakes me, hugging my tightly.

Inside me changes, and I feel myself coming back to my normal senses, and I realize who I am. I'm not The Purple Shadow....I'm The Purple Jester! I'm not a hero! I'm a villain!!!

I hug The Joker back and laugh like I've never laughed before and he joins me.
"I knew I could get my jester back if I tried hard enough. You couldn't forget this beautiful face even if you were brainwashed. Now, let's go kick some Bat and Robin ass!" He says, grabbing my hand, and handing me a knife.

"Hahaha!" I say as I nod and follow behind him.

Fuck them for trying to take me away from my true love. They'll pay.

The Joker and the Purple Jester {Currently Being Updated}Where stories live. Discover now