The Party

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The Party

I quickly shoved myself into the vehicle, it was a small black limo.

One of Joker's henchmen was driving, while The Joker, a few other guys, and myself sat in the back, discussing plans.

"So, we all have our parts memorized?" The Joker says, reassuring that everyone has been paying attention. I made sure to remember everyone's position, in case someone was to mess up, I would be backup.

Joker issued the fact that I must stay in a hidden form, so I have been transformed into The Purple Jester.

I had no facial scars yet, and I planned to do so, in order to look like The Joker, so instead, purple makeup was smeared across my lips, parting into a devious smile.

I wore purple and black tights, and a tight purple and black corset, to fully persue a villian image.

My hair, was tinted purple, similar to how The Joker's hair is green.

I wanted to be like him, I wanted to BE him in certain aspects.

White face makeup was smeared across my entire face, and light purple circles around my eyes.

I looked similar to The Joker, which was better than my original appearence.

We arrived at the back alley, close to the building where the Party was to take place.

Someone from this party must have been very important, and I assumed that The Joker wished to attract the Batman. He wants to hurt him badly this time, but of course, no one wanted to kill The Batman, he was just too much fun for anyone to kill him.

The Joker handed me a machine gun, which I was very unfamilar with the guns. I had only ever used knives before. He gave me a quick tutorial on how to reload if I needed, and to put the magazine in easier. I stuffed magazines in the outline of the tights I was wearing, and we all prepared to enter.

I recall hearing a similar story like this on the televison.

"The Joker attacks Dinner Party, in pursue of Harvey Dent" I had heard, "Woman thrown off the roof of the building to be saved by the Batman."

I scoffed at the name Batman, it was filth.

We entered a small entry way to an elevator shaft, and the elevator arrived.

"You four take the elevator, and Jester and I will take another route" The Joker says.

The four men nod their heads and push the elevator button.

The Joker leads me to a stair rail, and we climb numerous amounts of stairs, leading to an old rusted door. The Joker opens it quietly, and there seems to be a secret door, leading to the room down below. The Party must be below this room, which is going to be easier for the two of us to get inside.

I'm not truly informed what the idea or purpose of being here is, but I assume that with The Joker involved, it must be important.

He opens the latch the door, and it slowly creaks open, it seems to lead to a closet inside of the Party room. I lay my gun down on the ground beside me, and jump down as quietly and as fast as I can. The Joker throws my weapon back down, and throws me his rifle as well.

I noticed that in the day that i've known this man, he seems to be warming up to me already, which is always a good sign.

He closes the door with a rope after we enter the closet, and we prepare to enter the room.

We prepare our guns and he kicks the door open, cocking his gun up to defend himself.

The people from the party scream at the sight of The Joker, but then get confused as they see me.

The Joker and the Purple Jester {Currently Being Updated}Where stories live. Discover now