The Bombing (Part Two)

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The Bombing

We recklessly drove to hurry and get to all the bombing areas, and The Joker had drove to the Mayor's office.

I wasn't exactly sure what High School I would be dropped off, but I was still anxious to cause a ruckus.

Once we arrived at the block where the school was, I jumped from the van, so The Joker could keep driving.

"Bye ya!" I yell as I tuck and roll.

He dropped me off at the back alley way to the school and I remember this place looking oddly familiar.

This was the road I would take home from school.

Which could only mean one thing, I was supposed to bomb my own school.

Excitement overwhelmed me, this mission got better every second.

I ran to the back entrance of the school, to see people being evacuated.

I recognized lots of people, but I was sure no one could tell who I was under the makeup and costume.

I hid behind objects, making it so I could not be figured out, and snuck through a back window.

Thankfully the room was empty, it was the office.

Immediately, the overcome microphone caught my attention.

I snuck up to it, and turned it on.

I opened up my speech with a horrific laugh.

"Good afternoon Gotham High School." I started "I hope you're all having a good day! Because it's about to get a whole lot better!" I say, laughing once more.

I highly doubt anyone recognized my voice, I never talked at school, ever.

I started making explosion imitations in the microphone, and laughed after I pretended to be a dying student.

"You think you're all safe outside?" I say, sitting in a desk chair.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with." I say.

"The fun, has yet to start." I end the speech with a cackle and grab the gun from the inside lining of my pants.

I walked out of the office and into the hallway, shooting the gun frantically at doors and windows.

Broken glass fell to the floor, and some students screamed as they tried to escape the school.

I shot one student in the leg, leaving them unable to move.

They fell to the floor, and their friend left them.

"I'm sorry!" The girl yelled, leaving her behind.

I walk up to the girl and I drag her to an empty room nearby.

I lock the door behind me, and throw her on the ground.

"What a friend you've got back there, she just left you, hoping to escape from me." I say to her, and give her a look of sympathy, fake sympathy of course.

I run the knife along my face, and then to hers.

"You know, we can fix this whole face issue you've got going on." I say, and stick the razor into her mouth.

"Now, say cheese!" I say, as I slit her mouth open widely.

"Verrrrryyyy nice, dear." I say, and reach the razor to the other side of her mouth, stretching and cutting her skin.

I laugh as I carve her face and rub her cheek, as she passes out.

This is so much fun.

I sneak out the window, taking the bomb detonator, that looks like a cell phone from my pocket.

I get far enough away from the school, and call the appropriate number that would blow up the school.

There was heat radiating as the school was blew to bits.

At that time, I could hear police sirens, and another bomb is set off.

Smoke rose from The Mayor's office, and I knew that The Joker's job was done.

I ran back down the alley way in which I came down to get into the school.

The van came quickly, stopped and allowed me in. The Joker was no longer wearing Gordon's uniform, he was in his normal apparel, He gave me a high five once he saw blood on my hands and we drove home.

We were fast enough to where we were not followed by police, they had no idea where our base was.

There were no henchmen in the van, and it seems that The Joker dumped Gordon's body earlier, he probably dropped him off somewhere.

We arrived at the warehouse, and it felt much more homier without those stupid henchmen.

"Nice job! We were able to bomb a few places, exactly the plan." The Joker says.

I sat down at a chair near the entrance, and looking up at The Joker.

"Joker, why did you give me the High School?" I say.

The Joker is takin his suit coat off, placing it on a rack.

"Well, you're a teen, I figured it's the best atmosphere for you." He replies.

"Yeah, but you sent me to MY High School." I say.

"How did you know which school I went to?" I say.

The Joker looks me intently in the eye.

"Jester, I know more about you than you know." He says, with a huge grin.

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