The Interruption

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The Interruption

"W-what do you mean, you know more about me than I know?" I say to Joker.

"It's called research, sweetheart." He said.
"You're not a hard person to lookup." He continues.

I tense up a bit, and look him straight in the eye.
"What exactly do you know?" I ask him.

He plays with his hair, twirling it around in his finger.

"I know you have an incredible history." He says, smiling.

"How about the time where you cut someone's wrist during class, simply because you felt anxious?" He said.

I nodded, and looked down at the floor.

"Or how about the time where you locked a kid in the school janitor's closet, stuffing his own sock into his mouth and cutting off his fingers?" He said. "You're quite the girl." He continued, intertwining his fingers together.

"I'm surprised you've done such horrid things." He says finally, with a laugh.

"So what, I did a few minor things to some kids, it's not that big of a deal." I say.

Joker stands up and reaches his arm around my shoulder.

"But you see dear, it is a big deal." He says, flipping his hair back.

"Why's that?" I ask him.

"Because I know your true nature, you love to torture, your soul has been tortured, so you feel the desire to spread those emotions to other people. I absolutely adore you!" He says, hitting my cheek playfully.

"I know that you will never be sane, and that you can take a punch. You're not afraid to get your hands dirty, you only kick that dirt into someone's face." He says, and returns back to the table.

"It seems those secret fighting lessons did you well." He continues.

" that in my file?" I said, looking nervous.

"Oh yes, I remember reading a specific part of this, you see, your file is surprisingly huge! It allows me to get to know who you are exactly. You were secretly selected by a mob leader, and you did some small jobs and he repaid you with knife and combat training. You were fantastic, from what your file said." He laughed.

"Also, I picked that knife specially for your abilities, it's slim, yet heavy weight, so you're able to stick it into things easier. The blade is a good length, and I know how you enjoy purple." He says, with a large smile.

"It's a wonderful knife." I say, pulling it from my boot. "It's definitely me." I say.

"I'm gonna go change into some normal clothes and go for a run." I say, walking to my room.

"Have fuunnnnn." He says, as he begins talking to some henchmen.

I walk to my room, and strip, and change into a normal shirt, and dark purple skinny jeans. I slip on a pair of running shoes.

I don't really give a fuck about normal fashion, but when it comes to The Purple Jester outfits, I'll closely coordinate my outfits.

I hear crashing come from downstairs, very loud, and even gun shots being shot.
I grab my knife as I hear someone running up the stairs fast.

I prepare myself and get in a defense stance, as the door opens.

I see Batman, with the Joker in his hands, keeping him in a tight body lock.

"Is this one of your victims?" Batman said to Joker.

The Joker calmly looked over at me, and winks.
"She's the newest hostage I brought in today, she's been a real fighter." He says, laughing.
"I was about to cut her up and give her to some stray dogs!!" The Joker says.

The Joker and the Purple Jester {Currently Being Updated}Where stories live. Discover now