A Reunion

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"Oh! Puddin! I missed you so much! It's been tooooooo long!" Says the pretty girl as she tightly hugs J, kissing him on the cheek. 

My face is blank, and J looks over at me, checking to see if I'm furious.

Which I am.

Who the hell does this girl think she is?! Touching MY ma....I mean. Touching J. No one should do that, he doesn't exactly like un-necessary contact.

He hugs her back.
My mouth froms a frown, and I watch as they reunite or whatever. Because obviously, they know each other.
"Who's this little kid?" The girl says, placing her hand on her shoulder, and leaning down to look at me (Which is only a couple of centimeters). 

"My name, is the Purple Jester." I say, blankly without emotion.

"Ohhhh, I see! You're on Mr. J's side?!" She says, and smiles brightly. 

I nod, looking down at the cement. 

J walks over and pats me on the shoulder, 
"We should get going before they come looking for Harley." J says.

So this girl is Harley? Hmm. Well maybe she's not that important because I've never heard of J talking about anyone by the name of Harley. 

We all start back towards the car, and I walk to the passenger side front seat, but Harley quickly trots in front me, reaching it first.

"Shotgun!!!" She yells, quickly jumping into the car. 
My anger boils a little more inside me and I scrunch my fists together really hard, fighting the urge not to punch the side of the van.

I crawl into the back of the van with the henchmen. One of them sees the anger in my eyes, and sits beside me.
"Miss, if you're angry, you can take your anger out on me." He says, and moves his arm over for me to hit. I take his offer, and hit it as hard as I can. He flinches and moans in pain.

"Thank you." I say, and I cross my leg over my other leg, looking into the front seat, seeing Harley butter up next to J as he drives. She gives him pecks all over his cheek, getting lipstick all over his face. I can feel the red overcoming my face, and I look down at the ground, trying to ignore them.

"Damn Harley, calm down. I'm driving." He says, pushing her back towards her seat. 
 I smile a little. Yeah, put that bitch in her place. Get away from him.

He car ride is extremely long, or seems like it, it was only about 10 minutes. 

We return back to the room we've been staying in, and Harley starts towards the bed, jumping up and down on it.

"So where does you little Jester girl friend sleep?" Harley says, plopping down on the bed, and cuddling up into the blanket.
"On the bed." J says, running his fingers through his hair, and sitting down, looking at a file folder with lots of papers in them.

"And where do YOU sleep, Mr. J?" She replies.

"On the bed." He says, blankly, and looks over at me, and smiles. 

Harley gets silent, and stares at me.
"Well not anymore, because I'm going to sleep here." She says, sticking her tongue out at me, and then smiling to J.
I start getting angry again.

J laughs, and walks over to Harley, patting her head.

"Alright you do that. I'm sure Jes would enjoy a sleeping mate with her own body functions." He says and laughs, walking back to his work.

Harley blushes with anger and jealously and shakes her head no.

"No, Puddin'! I mean I wanna be in the bed with you!" She says, winking and sticking her tongue out in a sexy way. 

"It's alright, I have better things to do than sleep. Our funds are getting a little low, so I'm going to get some." J stands, and smiles at me as he walks out the door.

"Harley, be nice. You two will have to get along if you're going to be working together."

Harley waves at him and blows him a kiss. I give J a 'please don't leave' look, and he shrugs and walks away.

As soon as he walks away, Harley sets her eyes on me, and gives me a dirty look.

"Look girl. I don't know what you think is going on between you and my Puddin', but anything you thought goes out the window now. I'm back, and I'm taking over again." She says
"One, there's nothing going on between us, and two. What exactly do you mean by you're back, and who exactly are you, because J hasn't mentioned you once." I say, fighting back with my own words.

Her face flares up a little.
"I'm Harley Quinn. Mr, J and I have been partners for a long time and I took the heat for my Puddin' awhile back and got sent to jail for a bit. I contacted Mr. J about a week ago and told him I was gonna break out and here I am! Back to take my rightful place as Puddin's side kick again. Don't you think it's time for you to get back in school and to your mommy and daddy?" She says to me.

Oh you didn't.

"Excuse me Harley, but I'm here to stay. I'm not leaving. I have been with J for too many months to ditch out. I'm sorry you've been gone for so long, but obviously J hasn't been missing you too much because he doesn't talk about you at all, and I am NEVER going back to the people known as my family, because they aren't my family." I say, aggressively. 
"Oh, so you're a broken kid. I see. You're looking to Mr.J for some sort of help in your life, but all he needs is me." She says, twirling her pigtail. 

I laugh. "Well yeah, he saved me, but I think I'm here to stay." I reply.
"Well fine. Since you're here to stay or whatever, what should I call you?" She says. "You don't have some sort of actual name?"

"Name? I can't really remember my actual name, so just call me whatever you want. Only J is allowed to call me Jes." I reply.

"How about, Kid?" She says, laughing at me.

"Haha, funny. But I'm not a kid." I reply.

"Oh, you don't like it? Looks like kid it is." She says, falling back onto the bed from laughter.

"Whatever." I say.
"But seriously. Mr. J is mine, if you think for a second he would go for a girl like you, you're dead wrong." She says, getting serious.

"Haha, little do you know he might have already went for me." I say, giving her a smirk.

She frowns with anger and raises a fist to come at me.
"I'll kick your little kid ass." She says.
"Oh really?" I say, pulling the knife from my boot.

I get it close to Harley, and she stares at it.
"Puddin' made you a knife?" She said, retreating her hand, and frowning from sadness.

"Yep, that's right. That's how much he likes me." I say with a big smile on my face.
She sits back onto the bed, and the door to our room opens. J walks through, holding a large suitcase.

"I'm back girls" He says, smiling at me.

I smile back and twirl my hair between my fingers.

"Oh Puddin'! I missed you sooo sooo sooo much!" Harley says, jumping off the bed and embracing J.
He rolls his eyes and waves at me, placing the suitcase next to me.

"Look inside." He whispers to me.
I grab the suitcase and open it, inside there are packs of hundred dollar bills.
"Damn! This should have us set for a long time!" I say.
Harley looks over at the money.

"Oh! Maybe, you should remember Puddin', I'm high maintenance!" She smiles, trying to continue the hug with J, when he tries to push her away.
"Not anymore, no just going off and spending my money." J says. "Things are different now." He finishes.

Harley gives me another death glare and I reply with a nice smile.

I really DON'T like this girl.

J is mine.

The Joker and the Purple Jester {Currently Being Updated}Where stories live. Discover now