Chapter 1

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"You're such a fucking asshole, do you know that? My god how stupid are you?"

Her words ringing in his ears, still to this day it made his blood boil, he brought the needle to his arm, frantically searching for a willing vein. Releasing his breathe as he plunged the top of the needle releasing it into his vein.

Slowly as the heroin travelled in his blood stream he settled, his mother's words disappearing.

He hated her with every fiber in his body, he was nothing to her. Well, that wasn't exactly true he was her punching bag. Literally.

"Jeremiah, you are a waste of space. Just like your worthless father! I hate you!"

"Shut up!" Jeremiah yelled, his voice bouncing off the walls of the shack he lived in, "shut up!" He raged, kicking at the wall.

He plopped down on the couch, a plume of dust escaping as he sat down, "you're a bitch, nothing but a cheap whore!" He was on edge, he could feel his skin crawl. He hated her, he was glad she was dead.

He pulled his sleeves down, the scars on his arms made him uneasy and he needed to calm down.

"Come here ''Miah" Cynthia said, "come see mommy" For a four year old he was tall, she knew he got that from his daddy. How she loved his daddy, but he didn't return that love. It was okay though, she could live with that. She would do whatever he requested of her, usually it meant offering herself to him. It was obviously meaningless to him, very much a 'wham bam thank you m'am'

"What mommy?" Jeremiah asked, his pajamas riddled with holes, his sandy blonde hair greasy, his face covered in dirt.

"Push those sleeves up, boy!" When she looked at him, she felt angry. He was the reason Cliff had left her, it had to be.

Jeremiah did as he was told, he knew what was coming. He bit the inside of his lip, he knew he couldn't cry, that it would only make it worse.

Cynthia pulled the cigarette from her lips, blowing the smoke in his face. She laughed as his face contorted, "Stop that! Don't be a pussy!" She yelled at him, "your arm, give it to me!"

He held his arms out for her, "I swear if you cry like a little bitch" she told him as she pushed the lit cigarette into his forearm, laughing as she heard it sizzle against his skin.

Jeremiah squeezed his eyes shut, willing himself to be brave, "Open your eyes! Take it like a man" she yelled slapping his face.

Jeremiah shook his head, desperately trying to erase the image from his mind. He pushed his sleeves up, his arms covered in circular burns. As a kid he used to count them, he had since given up he knew he had hundreds of them on both arms. Not to mention the wounds that covered his torso.

He waited for the computer to boot up, he didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out but he had the computer and Internet.

Somehow along the way he had become a bit of a computer whiz, often doing work for some shady people. He didn't ask any questions just did as he was told, took his money and never looked back. He had only one repeat customer, one who paid well in both cash and heroin.

He was disappointed to find no one had replied to his request. It was pretty sad, he couldn't even get a chick from the seediest of hook up site, one filled with freaks who would do anything to get their rocks off.

It left him with no other options. He hated these bitches, they all looked down their noses at him. He'd make them pay, he'd make them all pay.

One bitch at a time.

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