18 ➳ the flash

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"Friday" sounded like music to my ears because I knew my shift only started at 6pm and ended at 10pm. After that it was weekend, an actual weekend for me as well this week because I didn't have to work.

God bless.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my job but all this Michael shit was messing up my head and I wouldn't have survived weekend shifts.

Michael was on my mind during every single little break I had when J started a song.

Why did I have this dream of me and him kissing? Did I actually like Michael more than just a friend? This was ridiculous and could never work. Michael was going to leave L.A. with his band next week anyway. Then he'll be gone, probably as well as my feelings for him

"Beth?" someone said and brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Leyla standing next to me.


"Your shift is over. What's up with you today? You seem to have been lost in your thoughts the whole day." she giggled.

"Yeah, uhm, I didn't get much sleep last night." I lied and smiled slightly.

"Alright, get some sleep then, see ya next week." she gave me a quick hug, then I stood up and walked away and she continued hosting the radio show.

After I'd grabbed my bag and jacket, I left the radio station and got into my ordered Uber.

When I finally stood in front of my apartement door, I was so excited to finally get to bed. As I wanted to unlock the door though, I noticed that it had already been unlocked.

"Fuck." I whispered to myself, entering my apartement and getting nervous. What if there was a killer inside?

"Hello? Is someone in here?" I asked but didn't get an answer, of course. Which fucking burglar would say hi???

I put my stuff next to the door frame, took off my jacket and turned on the lights. I then slowly walked into the living room. Everything was dead silent so it was easy to hear my shoes hitting the floor, step by step. And someone breathing, which wasn't me.

"Who the fuck is in here? I'm gonna call the police, I swear!" I said a bit louder now.

"Chill down, it's just me."

"FUCKING HELL MICHAEL!!!" I shouted and turned around after I'd heard his voice behind me, trying to catch my breath. All he did was giggle.

"Ugh fuck you, this isn't funny! I almost died!" I sighed, putting my hand onto my chest, where my heart was.

"Sorry, I didn't want to scare you." he smiled cheekily and sat down on the couch.

"Why did you break into my apartement then?"

"Well, I didn't really break in, I found your spare key on top of the door frame."

"Oh so you thought it would be okay to just walk in here?" I rose my eyebrows at him and crossed my arms before my chest.

"Yes." he still smiled.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked annoyed.

"Because it was funny how you almost died." he giggled again.

"Wow you're such a great friend." I stated sarcastically and I swear within a second he stopped being happy.

The fuck?

"I actually came here to talk to you about something." he looked at his hands and then back up at me before standing up to stand in front of me. "Calum talked to me and he kinda made me realise that I was an ass to you."

"Oh, wow." I giggled now while he stayed serious.

"I came here to apologise, Beth. There's just a lot going on in my mind and...I don't even know, I'm sorry." he sighed.

"What's happening in your pretty little head then?" I smiled and slightly knocked onto his head, which made him giggle quietly.

"I can't tell you, baby girl. I hope you forgive me though?"

"I was never mad at you anyway." I smiled at him and then swung my arms around him to hug him tightly.

"I'm so glad I met you." he wishpered before letting go of me again.

"Me too."


"Since you're here, do you wanna catch up with The Flash with me?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I'd love to. I missed it this week anyway." he smiled widely, and I could see that sparkle in his eyes again.

"Same here, I always miss it because of my late night shift." I explained.


After I got Michael and myself something to drink, snacks and a blanket, we made ourselves as comfortable as possible and watched the new Christmas episode of The Flash.

I cried like 2 times during the episode and I could hear Michael sniffeling as well, which I found pretty cute.

"Ugh why doesn't Barry just tell Patty that he's the Flash, it would be so much easier for her." I complained as the credits and the music came on.

"Maybe Barry just wants to keep her safe and not confuse her feelings?"

"But I think Patty is a strong woman and she can take care of herself pretty well." I turned to Michael, whose right arm was on the back rest of the couch, right behind my neck.

"I bet Barry knows that but he's still scared he'd lose her." Michael said it so seriously, I didn't even know whether he was still talking about The Flash or not.

"So you're saying Barry's keeping this big secret from Patty only to protect her?"


"But why would he do that?"

"Because Barry loves Patty." he explained and smiled a bit like he was hurt while looking directly into my eyes.

"I-uhm, I should go. Thanks for this." he suddenly hurried and stood up, causing the blanket to fall off and letting the cold air hit my skin.

"No problem, we should do it again sometime before you leave." I smiled at him and followed him to the front door.

"We'll see. Bye Beth."

"Bye Michael."

And with that he was gone and I still felt like that conversation just now wasn't about Barry and Patty but about Michael and me.

Did Michael like me?


I have nothing to say lol

I hope you liked it :-)

- tori ♡

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