27 ➳ the call #3

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"Hi, I'm leaving the radio station right now." I spoke into my phone, waiting for Bryana's response.

"Okay good, when you're here just ring the doorbell."

"I will. I can't wait to see your apartment."

"You will love it. Oh and by the way, do you prefer chinese or mexican food?" she asked me with her sweet voice as I was walking down the road of the station, heading to Bryana's apartment which was according to her not far away from my work place.

"Chinese, always chinese." I giggled.

"That's exactly why we're friends." Bry said on the other end of the line and I knew she was smiling.

"Definitely the number one reason." I giggled again.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay over the whole weekend?"

"Yeah I'm sure because I have to w-" I started but stopped when I heard a beeping sound in the background. "Hold on." I said and looked at my phone screen.

The Flash

"Beth are you still there?" I heard Bryana's voice very quietly since I was still staring at the screen.

"Uh yeah...Michael is calling me right now.." I said, putting the phone back to my ear.

"PICK UP!" Bryana shouted and hung up instantly.

Well great.

"Hello?" I picked up Michael's call nervously. Why was I nervous though? Shouldn't I be mad?

"Hi Beth." Michael said, sounding just as nervous as I did.

"Who paid you to call me?" I asked, not even joking.

"No one why would- oh, okay look, I know you probably hate me for ignoring you bu-"

"Michael, I honestly don't care. We're just not meant for each other but I hope you find someone who loves you as much as I do.."

"Wait, Beth please let me explain-"

"Goodbye Michael." I said, trying very hard not to cry while I was on the phone with him and hung up, finally releasing my tears and sobs.

When I finally reached Bryana's place I was still half sobbing and my eyes were probably red as hell but at that exact moment I didn't care at all. I was allowed to cry. I was allowed to let out my feelings.

"Hi B- oh my god are you alright?" Bryana opened the door and immediately pulled me into a hug.

"No, actually, I'm not alright at all..."

"What did Michael do?"

"Nothing, he wanted to explain everything but I just broke up with him.."

"WHAT? Why?"

"We would've never worked out anyway." I admitted and she just continued to comfort me.

"Let's eat our food and watch netflix to cheer you up a bit." she announced and went to grab our ordered chinese food from her kitchen before sitting down on the couch with me and switching on her TV.


Michael's POV

"Fucking hell." I cursed, smashing my phone against the bathroom wall. God bless the screen didn't crack.

"What happened?" Ashton asked as I walked back into the actual hotel room.

"She broke up with me. I screwed up.." I sighed and threw my hands over my face.

"I'll help you with this. We can go back home on Monday and since I'm going to L.A. instead anyway, you can come with me and then we'll sort this out, okay?"

"It won't help, Ashton. I fucked up, Beth hates me."

"No she doesn't. When she hears the explanation she'll forgive you."

"Yeah but she won't even let me explain it."

"We'll figure this out, don't worry. Now go get ready for our interview."


The Interview ➳ michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now