Chapter 2 TUESDAY DECEMBER 26 9:45 AM LOCATION: My House

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.....1. I hear a ticking noise and back away from my phone. The ticking noise stops. I walk back towards my phone and the ticking noise starts again. I kept doing that until I realized to make something happen, there's a trigger. And if I would've gone one step further away from my phone. I'd be blown to pieces. For hours I sit by my phone, scared, vulnerable, and cold. I then hear my phone ding. I grasp for my phone and look at the home screen. 'One new message' in bold font, blinks green on the screen. I go to my voicemails and see there is one from unknown. I carefully press the play button and put it on speaker so, I could hear it. The message played.
Katie you have been running from your past for years now, but now it's got you in its grasp! You don't need to know who I am, you will find out I'm sure, but I'm going to let you out now. The bomb is disabled and it has been for the past hour. I left you a little something upstairs as a token of what I can do. So long katie."
I look over towards the trigger, cautiously I stand up and walk a few feet towards it. I then remember I was holding my phone. I throw it at the trigger and hide behind a nearby shelf but, nothing happened. I slowly walk over the trigger and walk upstairs. I open the door and walk towards the kitchen where I make a hot chocolate on my Keurig my family got from a garage sale. I put some ice in and I lay down on the couch. I start to remember what the voicemail said over and over in my head. Something about a token of what they can do and all sorts. I then see a trail of footsteps like the ones before. Except this team they led upstairs and into my brothers room. I take the steps two at a time and run to my brothers room. I hope to see alex there sleeping or doing homework but, instead I see something worse. Much worse. There on my brothers bed lies the corpse of Alex Muchano with his eyes gauged out. I scream and run to the phone and call 911.   The phone rings once. Twice. Three times and then they answer.
"911, what is your emergency?" The lady on the phone asks
"A dea-d-d b-odd-y upstairs eyes all....out of socket." I say trembling on every word.
"Okay please stay calm, we will be here shortly." The lady says.
"Okay-y-y." I say still terrified by the sight I've just seen.
"Is the intruder who did this still with you?" She asks.
"No----at least I don't think sooo." I say looking around cautiously.
"Okay sweetie, my name is Angela, can you tell me your name?"  She says.
"I'm Katie." I say still looking around for any shadows.
"Okay well Katie, we will collect Alex's corpse when we get there."
"Wait? did you know it was---" The lady hung up before I could finish.  I hear a knock on the door.
"Thank god your here!" I say while opening the door.
But it wasn't a police squad or a ambulance in the background. It was one African American girl with a flashlight and a badge.
"Are you Katie?" She asks.
"Yea..." I say backing away from the door slowly.
"Don't worry it's just me, Angela, from the phone you remember?"
"Oh thank god!" I say as I run towards her to give her a hug.
"Don't worry everything will be alright." She says calmly.
"Wait, are you Angela?" I ask letting go of her waist and walking backwards.
"Why wouldn't I be?" She says while starting to smirk.
I back into the kitchen and run as fast as I can upstairs, I hear quiet footsteps behind me. I grab my phone and dial my brothers number. No one picks up. I then hear the footsteps louder now. I quietly crawl towards the door and silently look through a peephole that my brother made to watch me and my friends have "sleepovers" he was only 6 at the time but, he was a ladies man what can I say? I look through the hole and see a shadow of someone standing at the doorstep of my brothers room. I look away from the peephole and focus on finding something sharp or something to protect myself. After 10 minutes of searching through my drawers and dressers (quietly of course) I finally find a old fencing trophy from when I was in middle school. I grab it and I am about to run in the hallway and smash it into this girls head but, I then remember she had a pistol in her holster. Even if she wasn't a real cop she sure is prepared like one. I look around for any possible way out of here but, then I remember the secret door under my bed where I used to hide when I played hide and seek with Max. I open the latch and made the mistake of making too much noise. I hear footsteps running towards my room and then the door shakes as the women runs into it. It shakes again. I hear a clicking noise and see the lock hanging by a thread. One more shake and the lock is going to fall off. I look around one more time as if saying goodbye to my room like I'd never see it again. I close the latch and sit there quietly. I hear the footsteps of the woman crusading though my room and looking for any leads to where I went. I'm safe I thought. I'm finally safe. Then I hear the garage door open. Oh no. I hear the sound of a car pull in and turn off. I turn around and look out the basement window. I feel a buzz in my pocket and get startled. I remember I left my phone in my pocket when I called my brother. The recent notifacation was a text from "Unkown" and the message read "looks like moms home from work ;)" Oh god.

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