Chapter 11 Sunday 9:00 p.m Rooftop Of Cheif Memorial Hospital

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"What do you mean we are all going to die?" Caroline asks turning her head slowly in denial.

"I saw it. A woman. A company. Named..." I say slowly the words dripping out of my mouth.

"What company? What woman?" She says grasping my arm.

"EMD. The woman's name was Erica Nicad." I say still mesmerized by what I saw.

"Mother." She whispers under her breath.

"What? Caroline did you just say...." I say slowly Turing my head towards her.

"She's my mother. My last name before I got adopted was Nicad." She says staring off into the distance.

"Your birth mother is wanting to kill you...and people like you?" I say confused.

"Your father didn't have a choice...your father wasn't the one who did this to mother did...she started this company of hers." She says starting to cry.

"My father is a monster okay? It's not your fault." I say starting to feel a tear fall out of my eyes to.

"No, he's not. She used him. He was one of the most intelligent scientists in the world. My mother mind controlled him with one of her 'agents'. Your father doesn't even know he's doing it..." She says wiping the tears off her cheeks.

"Her agents are like us?" I say more worried about my father now.

"Yes. The one who mind controlled your father...he is very dangerous...his name is Levi Raskin." She says as her face turns from sorrow to horror.

"He made my father do these horrible things." I ask.

"Not just your father Katie...he controlled my adopted family to kill themselves and made me watch." She says in a sharper voice.

"That's horrible....I can't believe how sick he is." I say trying to find the right words.

"We have to stop him." She says turning towards me.

"How? He mind controls people!" I say.

"I know a girl...she's only 12 but, she can block out other powers. She's like a magnet I guess you could say." She says.

"So, if we get her we can stop Levi and save my father." I say excitedly.

"'s more complex than that...see, the company is looking for her, they want to use her to kill us...she's in hiding right now...and I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to be found..." She says sighing.

"Well, where was the last place you saw her?" I ask.

"Downtown, the rave." She says.

"Well I guess we are going to a rave tonight." I say standing up and walking away.

She follows me as we walk into the distance toward our only hope.


I stop flying when I see the guards walking down the hallway.

"We are also missing a evolved human named Brody Sanders, shoot him on sight." One of the guards say.

I walk out and yell "Hey! You looking for Brody, well you've found him!" I say laughingly.

The guards turn around and aim there guns at my chest.

"I'm faster than the speed of light it's going to take a lot more than guns." I say crossing my arms.

"We know." A familiar a voice says behind the guards.

The guards kneel as a tall slim man in a blue plaid jacket appears behind them.

"Long time no see, brother." He says laughing.

"No! It can't be you. I made sure you were dead." I say stepping backwards slowly.

"Oh, well surprise I'm alive." He says smiling as he glares at me.

I then feel goosebumps all over my body as both of my hands grasp around my neck with no thought.

"See, over the years you and Kai left me for dead...I've gotten stronger...this company has gave me the power to do be something.

I gulp as the hands around my beck get tighter and tighter. I reach for air but, his force is too strong. I try to talk but I feel myself starting to wheeze.

"Sorry, brother did you say something?" He asks sarcastically as he drops me to the floor.

I try to get up but, can't feel anything in my body.
He walks closer as I snarl at him. He then grabs me and throws me against the wall. I then remember I was about to dial Kai before I ran into the guards. I pressed the call button and it started ringing. Levi realizes what I was doing and then controls me to bang my head against a nearby wall. I scream in agony as he laughs. He lets me go and I fall lifelessly to the floor. I then hear a familiar voice close by.

"Hello?..... Brody you there." Kai says through the phone.

I try to tell him that Levi is back and more powerful than ever but, the only words that come out are:

"Be afraid." I then realize Levi looking down at me glaring at the phone. He shatters it without lifting a finger.

"Brody...why did you call Kai? We where having so much fun!" He says while kicking me in the stomach.

I spit blood at him and he wipes it away.

"Screw you." I say as I try to lunge at his leg but, he grabs me by the arm.

"You used to be fun." He says laughing as he picks up a object from the ground.

I back away slowly but the blood slowly draining my body is making me dizzy. I then see it's a knife the size of a machete. I scream in agony as he drives it into my left eye. Blood squirts everywhere as start to cry.

"YOUR A MONSTER." I scream with all my might.

"No Brody, now your the monster." He says as he slashes the knife across my chest. I realize it was in the shape of a L.

He then grabs me and throws me towards the back wall into the offices.

"Bye Brody. You chose the wrong side." He says laughing as he chucks me out the nearby window. I fly out and fall for a eternity until I hit the ground. I sprawl out on the ground in agony.

The only thought in my mind is a prayer.
Katie, you need to save us. Your the only one who can kill Levi. Please. Save us. Save the world.

Those were the last thoughts in my head before my eyes rolled back inside my head and my eyes fluttered shut.

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