Chapter 9 SATURDAY DECEMBER 31st 6:32 pm

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I fall and await for my fast peaceful death. But, then I realize that the train is only 6ft off the ground. I was falling at over a 100 mph I would've been dead by now. I open my eyes slowly and see the world spinning but I'm not falling. I then see two arms clutched around my waist. My arms were in front of me. I try to look up but, whoever was holding me was pushing me down. I give another forceful push and then give up. I was so tired. I drift off into a sleep that seems to last for eternity.

"How did you get her?" Emma asks.

"I knew they were after her, we couldn't let her die." Brody says.

"Yes, but if they would've seen you they would know we aren't dead." Kai says pacing throughout the room.

"Good thing they didn't." Brody's says sitting down.

I wake up startled and carefully look around at my surroundings. I realize I'm in a armchair with a blanket over me. I throw the blanket on the ground. I hear voices talking, I slowly walk towards them making as less noise as possible. I creep around the corner and see faces I recognize. Emma. Kai. Brody. They saved me. Why? As I entered the room the talking stopped.

"Hey, you're awake." Kai says grabbing a chair for me.

"Yea." I say sitting down.

"So, you feel alright?" Brody asks.

"Yea I'm fine." I say. We all know its awkward but as awkward as it is, they saved my life.

"None of you are going to talk about the fact that you almost got yourself killed." Emma interrupts.

"Anything that would've taken me away from my dad." I say regarding if I'd die or not.

"Did anyone see you when you grabbed her Brody?" Kai asks looking around as if someone was here with us.

"No, remember I can fly faster than the speed of light." Brody says grabbing a Coke out of the mini-fridge.

I then see a flash of light and then 4 men armed with guns walking on Mayberry street. We are on Coales Street. I then see them turn to Coales and walk towards the abandoned parkway. Which is here. They are coming for us. Just before they enter the building the bright light flashes again. I scream and then realize I'm back with Emma and Brody and Kai.

"We need to get out." I say eyes widened

"Why?!" Kai says startled standing up.

"They are coming, to kill us." I say pointing to the main entrance. Brody gets up and grabs Emma and points to a room a few doors down. Then he grabs what looks like C4s and places them against each room. Emma comes back and gives Brody a thumbs up. Kai grabs a shotgun from the desk and cocks it.

"We knew one day this would happen." Kai says walking out of the room.

"So I see you've got a power." Brody says loading his gun.

"No, I saw them through the window over there!" I point where I thought the flash was coming from. I look and there is just a solid wall.

"Wait, they should be here by now if what you saw was true." Brody says walking around the room.

"Yea I know, but my dad has never experimented on me yet how do I have a power?" I say praying for it to just be a bad dream.

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