Chapter 12 MONDAY JANUARY 1st 3:35 pm Location: Grand City Motel

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"Brody! You there? Be afraid of what?" I scream into the phone until I hear his voicemail.

Emma looks at me worried about Brody.

"Somethings bad Kai, I can feel it." She says pacing around the room.

"Me too." I say thinking about those words over and over again in my head. Be afraid.

"Be afraid of what?" She says looking at me.

"Sorry, Em I forgot you could read minds." I say sarcastically but she doesn't laugh.

"Brody said be it must mean something. Be afraid of the company. Be afraid of guns?" Emma says listing 100 more reasons why we should be afraid.

"No. It's something more. Brody's fearless. There's only one thing that scares him the most." I say.

"And what's that?" Emma says looking back at me.

"Levi. My brother. Before me and you met I had another family. My birth family. I remember only a few things from my past life, before all this happened." I say trying hard to remember.

"Levi? I've heard that name before. A couple years ago...when Brody was missing, I went out to search for him. I went into town and heard the name Levi mentioned by one of the company members. Before I knocked them out of course." She says crossing her arms.

"The company was talking about Levi?! Levi died when he was 12. I remember the day my house burned down. He locked himself in his room that night. Something was bothering him. It seemed simultaneously right after the fire I discovered my inhuman ability." I say digging deeper into my head.

"What about your parents?" She said immediately regretting that question.

"They died along with him...I was the only one who made it out." I say my lips trembling.

"What was Levi like?" She asks.

"He was older than me. I was 10 when my family died. He must've been no older than twelve. He was...." I was about to finish my sentence but I couldn't find the words.

"I can help you. If you'd like." She says grabbing my hands and stroking them softly.

"You mean...going inside my head and looking through my lost book of memories?" I say grinning.

"If we want to know we're Brody is we need answers. Kai, it's the only way." She says pleading.

"Fine." I say closing my eyes and focusing on Levi.

"Breathe in...breathe out." Emma says as he strokes my forehead.

"What do you remember about your brother?" She says.


"Kai, it's time for dinner!" My mom yells from the downstairs kitchen.

"Coming mom!" I say as I close my social studies book and run out of my room.

"Can you bring your brother down with you honey?" My mom asks.

"Be right down ma!" I say walking towards my brothers room.

I knock. No answer. "Levi, it's time for dinner come on!" I say knocking again. Still no answer. I turn the knob slowly and see Levi sitting in the middle of his room.

"Go away Kai." He says without turning around.

"But, mom said you have to come down! It's time for din--" before I could finish my sentence I fly back against the door with a loud crash.

"What was that?!" My dad screams from the office downstairs.

"I said get out." He says again.

I start to run but, look back in horror at Levi. I run downstairs and explain to my mom everything.

"Levi yelled at me and then threw me against the wall without any hands! Now I'm hurt mom please!" I say begging her to believe me.

"Stop with this baloney! Go upstairs and get your brother." She says pointing towards the stairway.

"But, mom!" I say showing her the splinter from crashing into the door.

"I said now." She says turning towards me.

I run upstairs and go back to Levi's room slowly.

I creak open the door hoping not to make any noise.

"Yes Kai?" He says.

"Mom says to come down for dinner now." I say the words trembling out of my mouth.

"Ok." He says not moving a muscle.

"Come on." I say.

"I'll be right down, get out!" He yells.

I run out the door and it slams shut behind me! I then run to my fathers room and look at him. I wish he could talk to me. I wish this coma would've never happened. I wish Levi was nice for once. As I look into my fathers cold eyes I closed them. It's not like he was ever going to see anything anyway.

I then walk downstairs and hear a scream! Mom. As I sprint towards the kitchen, I see smoke and hear a beeping sound. Fire. I run upstairs and grab the only thing that meant more to me than my dad. A picture of him and I. I ran back downstairs and forgot about something. Levi! I run back up and open the door.

"Levi, we got to go! There's a fire." I yell.

He turns around for the first time and his eyes are red. "Leave me alone." He says while coming towards me.

I slam the door shut and put a chair against it. I turn to my dads's room and try to carry him out of bed. He's to heavy. Tears start to fill my eyes as I realize there was nothing I can do.

"I love you." I whisper crying.

I then start to run downstairs but hear banging. Levi. I saw the door shake with every push as Levi tried and tried. I then ran downstairs in a frantic search of my mother. I checked the living room and saw the carpet starting to burn. I then run outside and turn around staring at the house. It simultaneously goes up in flames as I look back. I duck in cover searching for my mom. But I knew it when I saw the house blew up. She was dead. My dad was dead. My brother was dead. Emotionally, so was I.


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