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Run. Run away, is my first thought when I wake up in the back of a trunk. But where can I go? I lift my head up and look around there is a magazine about Chris Ellbrock the newest issue of sexiest men of  the year. I sit up and try to push the trunk upwards. Doesn't budge. I sigh and lay back down. As I lay down I see some scratches and marks on my arm. I look closer and see a number has been carved into my skin. 484. I touch my arm and feel a stinging pain. What does that number mean? Is it the amount of people they have killed or kidnapped? I sit there pondering about the number until I hear the car turn on. I sit up and try to look out the foggy back window. I see two people. One is a tall man with a gun in his back pocket. The other is a frail girl who is skinny and looks unhealthy. I make out a symbol on the mans arm. It's a snake with a cross or a X through it. What does that mean? Then the girl kicks the man in the stomach. I hear a gunshot and a scream. That poor girl. They killed her. She didn't look older than 16. I bang on the window with my arm and shriek in pain. That's when the man noticed me in the trunk. Oh shit. I get ready to kick the man when he opens the trunk. I sit and wait. Nothing. Absolutely silent. Then I hear the footsteps of 2 people. Heading towards the trunk. I move away from the trunk opening as far as I can. A blond haired girl in a crop top opens the trunk.

"Aye Brody, sleeping beauty's awake." She says while looking behind her.
"Well, well your the one I guess. Thought you would be more I don't know, more tough looking." She says as she grabs my arm with the number carved into it. I push her off and try to make a run for it. But she's faster. Extremely fast. Inhuman. She grabs me by the throat and lifts me in the air with one hand.
"Please...I'm sorry." I say while trying to move her hand away.
"EMMA!" Someone screams. She drops me and I fall to the floor gasping for breath.
"What Brody?" She says while snaring at me.
"There were STRICT orders not to touch her." Brody says angrily.
"They didn't say we couldn't play with her, Brody cmon what does Kai want with this girl." She says while grabbing my wrist to lift me up off the ground.
"Let go of me!" I say while pushing her back. I started sprinting to a nearby police station that's a few blocks away. I hear shouts and footsteps behind me. I finally hide behind a garbage can in a alleyway. What do they want with me? Who the hell are these people? Who is kai?
"You'll find out soon enough." A voice says behind me.
I turn around see the girl standing with a gun pointed to my head.
"How did you know I was-" I see a foot lunged at my face before I could finish my sentence.
And then it was black.

Authors note; hey fellow readers I hope u enjoy the story and like it so far , feedback is always appreciated !!

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