Chapter 6 SATURDAY DECEMBER 30 TIME: 11:30 pm LOCATION: Cheif memorial hospital

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" that's not true my dad is a doctor, he studies..." I say but then I trail off.
"What does he study Katie?" Brody asks.
"I don't know, it feels like he's told me a million times." I say trying to dig deep down in my head.
"Exactly. Katie, do you ever wonder why your father comes home with stains on his shirt?" Kai asks stepping forward.
"Yea he said they were just some stains from lunch." I say defending my father.
"Well, he's been lying. That's blood, from all the poor kids he's operated on." Emma says while taking a seat next to Kai.
"Why did he do this to you specifically?" I asked them.
"Well it all started when we were kids..." Kai says.

"Kai, get down here your going to be late for school." My mom screams.
"I'm coming mom, I just have to grab something." I say really just wanting to linger so I won't have to go to my first day of middle school.
"Kai John Davis get your butt down here now!" My dad screams.
"Oh crap." I say under my breath as I run downstairs.
"What took you so long, the bus is about be here!" My mom says pushing me out the door.

I hate school and I've always hated it ever since I was a little preschooler. Now I hate it even more because I have to wake up earlier and secondly I have to work harder. As I walk to the end of my driveway I hear a screeching sound. I look around and see a girl around my age screaming from the top of her lungs.
"Are you ok?" I ask walking towards her.

"Yes, I am fine." She says as she stands up brushing dirt off her pants.

"I'm Kai." I say awkwardly.

"I'm Emma you can call me Em." She says.

"So, uh why where you screaming?" I ask trying not to sound annoying.

"It's nothing, I just have some daydreams that kinda are just there and they scare me, I guess it's because I watch too many horror movies." She says sighing.

"Want to walk with me to the bus stop?" I ask nervously.

"Sure, do you live next door?" She asked pointing at the yellowish house on the left of hers.

"No I live in the dull-gray one." I say laughing.

"Oh." She says.

"Why did you ask?" I say.

"I hear all these weird noises from that house all the time, I've always wanted to know what's been going on." She says staring at the house.

"Well we will have to find out together. Tonight after school?" I ask.

"Yea that'd be great!" She says excitedly.

I look down at my watch it's 10 minutes to 8:45!
"We have to go, otherwise we will miss the bus!" I say running down the walkway.

"Coming!" She says behind me.

I see the yellow bus cursing down the road. I yell and wave my arms in the air wildly to get the drivers attention. It stops. I turn around to Emily and she wasn't there!

"Emily!" I yell. No response.

"Come on kid, we don't have all day!" The bus driver says.

I walk on the bus and take a seat by myself. I hear my phone ring in my pocket. I take it out and see 1 new message from a number that I don't recognize.
The message said:
"Still up for tonight? ;)"

I smile.
I text her back a thumbs up and she sends me a heart.
My first girlfriend. Wow.

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