Anniversary Cliché (Louis Tomlinson)

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Louis' P.O.V.

"Don't open your eyes!" I literally yelled at (Y/N). Worrying if whether or not she'd open her eyes, I slapped my hand across her eyes, making sure that she couldn't see anything. I had a whole surprise set up for her at home and I did not want to ruin it.

I slowly and steadily guided her up the stairs and past the porch, as she handed me the house key, allowing me to unlock it. I opened the door, allowing her to go inside before me.

"Louis, can you let go of my eyes now?" She asked, chuckling, as she stumbled over shoes in front of the door.

"NO! Wait babe!" I exclaimed as I guided her into the kitchen.

"Ok. Ready?" I asked slowly, teasing her.

"Yes! Just let go of my eyes already!" She laughed as I slowly let go.

Your P.O.V.

When Louis let go of my eyes, it took a moment before I could take in what was in front of me. The dining table was slightly covered in rise petals with a couple of candles placed here an there. The room was dimly lot by the chandelier and help from other surrounding candles. The table was neatly set up, there was only two seats, one for me and one for Louis. There was plates, forks, spoons, and wine glasses neatly set up.

"Oh my god. Louis!" I whispered, yelling at the last part, "Thank you! It's beautiful." I said as I embraced him in a hug, digging my face in his chest as he hugged back.

I watched as he began walking to one of the seats with a smile stretched across his face, and pulled out a chair.

"Please. Take a seat." He said in a posh accent, closing his eyes, an raisin his head trying to imitate a butler.

"Why thank you." I said back as I took a seat.

"Wait here." He said, a little too excitedly as he ran into the kitchen.

I waited for a couple of minutes until he retuned with a cart piled with food. The top section had a bucket with two wine bottles, the next section had, I believe, appetizers, and the last had our main dish.

"Red or white?" He asked.

"White." I replied as he poured me a glass of wine. He put the wine bottle back as he moved on to the appetizers. He pulled out a basket of garlic bread that he places in the middle of the table and placed a bowl of Clam Chowder in front of my spoons and a bowl of salad in front of my forks as he did the same for himself. Lastly he pulled out the main dish which was a small steak with mashed potatoes, corn, and asparagus an placed it in front of me. He pushed the cart away from the table and into the kitchen as he room his own seat.

"BON ÁPETITE!" He exclaimed as we dug into our food, talking throughout it.

When we finished eating he cleaned up, grabbing our plates and placing them in the sink.

"What about desert?" I asked as he walked back into the kitchen.

"That's later, but first, we need to go upstairs." He said grinning.

I followed closely behind him as he guided me up the stairs and into our bedroom. Unexpectedly, he went into out master bathroom calling for me to follow him. When I walked in, I was speechless. There were two fresh towels hung on the racks and two robes, one white, one pink, placed on the counter perfectly folded. Then there was the bathtub. It was full of steaming water with only a couple of rose petals inside, bubbly, and room was lit by candles. He shut the door behind me as he hugged me around the waist.

"Bath?" He whispered in my ear.

"Yes." I replied as we became stripping, occasionally helping each other.

After the bath, we got changed. I changed into a tank top and soffees as Louis had just his boxers on. He took my hand and led me back downstairs and into the living room. Without saying a word, he signaled me to sit on the couch as he disappeared into the kitchen. He came back with two one gallon buckets of ice cream.

"Desert?" He asked as I nodded, taking one out of his hands.

He takes a seat beside me while eating a spoon of ice cream. Once he is settled, I lean on him, stretching my legs off the side of the couch as my back is curled on his side. He grabs the remote an turns the tv on as one of my favorite movies come on, "Toy Story 3". We watch in silence, laughing at some parts. The movie was now almost done, and we had finished our ice cream. We had a duvet around us as we cuddled.

"Babe?" He whispered, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" I asked looking up to him as he smiled.

"Happy 2 year anniversary." He whispered as he kissed my forehead, handing me a baby blue gift bag from Tiffany's.

"Thank you Louis." I whispered, bringing my lips up to his to share a short sweet kiss.

I looked back down at the bag and opened it revealing a long black box. I opened the box then revealing a beautiful necklace with a heart shaped locket. I opened the locket carefully as a picture of us on our first date came into view. On the other side of the heart I offices a small engraving that read 'To infinity an beyond.' quoting my favorite character from my favorite movie, Buzz Lightyear. Boy, Louis really knew me.

"Put it on me?" I asked as he took it from my hands and obeyed, placing it around my neck and smiling softly.

"You look beautiful." He said.

"I love you."

"I love you too babe." He finished as we shared a long passionate kiss that lead to some anniversary fun in our room upstairs.


How was it?

I actually tried on this one.

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