Homecoming (Liam Payne) for Hannah Harmon

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A/N: this is inspired by something that happened to my sister and her boyfriend last year during her senior year homecoming. But the sex part didnt happen to her xd hopefully .-. It's sooo cute so YOUR LUCKY HANNAH (: I love you and thanks for reading xoxo

And I know it's soooo late. Sorry lolz.


Senior year is supposed to be the best year right? I mean, you get to bully all the underclassmen, you're basically kings. You get more freedom. Someone people find their high school sweetheart and I definitely found mine. But because my high school sweetheart is 19 and already graduated, I don't have that opportunity to spend senior year dances with him. (A/N: I know you're 19 but lets pretend you're 18 ;3)

I was invited by my best friend Joseph to homecoming and because he's been my best friend since middle school, I decided why not.

My red pumps click with each time it hits the ground. I went for a basic look, a simple red strapless dress that went right above my knee. Not skin tight, but it definitely sticks to my bum. My right arm is locked with Joseph's while my other hand holds my black clutch as we walk in the doors to the cafeteria of the high school where homecoming is being held. We're greeted by friends from every corner and it takes a whole to finally settle in.

"Hey guys, having a good night?" Joseph and I whip our heads around to see the student council members on the stage while everyone screams. I'm definitely not having a good time.

"So, we're going to announce the Homecoming king and queen!"

I roll my eyes. Is this really necessary?

"Hey, you okay? You're usually all bubbly and happy but tonight you aren't." Joseph asks from beside me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I smile a fake smile.

"Homecoming king is...." That dramatic pause. Holy crap I'm gonna kill someone.

"John Auburn!"

Of course. The football jock always gets king. And then a cheerleader.

"And the queen is..."

The dramatic pause is longer as the girl on stage looks at the cards in her hand confusingly.

"Hannah Hormon?" She questions and everyone's eyes go to me.


I slouch my way to the stage and grab my stupid tiara and sash and quickly get off, avoiding pictures, just then something from my clutch vibrates.

I open my clutch to find my phone being the cause of the vibration. I bring it to my ear without looking at the caller Id.

"Hello?" I cup the phone to my mouth for better sound as I make my way out of the loud cafeteria sending Joseph an apologetic look.

"Hello love."

His voice causes shivers to run up my spine and I freeze with a smile on my lips.

"Liam!" I cheer. "What's up?" I ask.

"Come out to the front of the school. I have something better for you than a high school homecoming dance." He giggles and I can hear the smirk through the phone.

"On my way." I hang up and hurry to the front. My pumps cause my feet to ache so I quickly remove them from my feet and begin jogging. I run out to the sidewalk, looking left and right.

And there he is. In a leather jacket, an a dress shirt and tie underneath with plain black skinny jeans.

My smile instantly stretches. I run faster and immediately launch myself at him as we embrace each other in a hug. I pull away and look him in the eyes.

"You look stunning." He whispers.

I don't respond and just launch my lips at his and we share a passionate kiss before departing.

"Come with me." He takes my hand and leads me to his car.

We begin driving down roads and avenues. The whole ride, we sing along to songs playing on the radio and half an hour later we arrive at his flat.

He helps me out the car and leads me up the steps to the front door of his apartment. We walk in and I drop my pumps in the door way a he takes off his shoes, leaving them next to my pumps. He grabs my hand with a cheeky grin and leads me down the hallway and to his bedroom.

Before opening the door, he looks at me and keeps his eyes on me to catch my reaction as he opens the door.

The bright orange yellow flickering light catches me by surprise. Candles cover every inch of the room and a bouquet of roses is placed on the beside table with rosé petals scattered on the floor.

My mouth falls open and my eyes go wide. Liam laughs as he makes his way to the speakers in the corner of the room, connecting his iPhone. 'To Build A Home', my most favorite song, starts to play. He strides to me slowly, holding out his had for me to grasp.

"Shall we dance?" He asks.

I smile and place my hand on his and he takes it, pulling me to his chest. I rest my head on his shoulder as we away in the beat of the song.

Minutes later, the song finishes and he pulls away from me, looking me in the eyes. His hand raises up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. His hand then cups my cheek and I place my own hand on top of his, admiring the warmth his touch gives me.

He leans in close for a kiss but I don't let it end like that. I lunge my lips onto his, taking him by surprise. We loose balance and hold onto each other for dear life as we fall backwards onto the bed. I straddle Liam as he scooches backwards towards the head of the bed. Our lips only disconnect when we let out little laughs at our silliness. His back is now curled up against the head board as I straddle him. His short hair on the back of his head grows interest in me a how soft it is, my hands never leaving the area.

His hands search my body, getting a feel of every body part. Goosebumps rise on my arms at the feeling of his hands sliding down my crotch area and back up repeatedly. My breathing grows heavy as I disconnect our lips. A smile grows on Liam's lips at the sight of me being wreak under his touch.

I slide my hands to cup his face and look him in the eyes.

"Some other time. I need to get home." I whisper with an apologetic smile.

"Sleep over." He grunts.

"I can't. My mom-" I begin but I'm soon cut off by Liam's raspy voice.

"I called your mom she said that you can sped the night." He grins.

"Are you serious?" I say surprised at the words the slipped past is lips. I laugh at his desperate attempt to get into my pants.

"Come here." I smile as I pull him down onto the bed to have him on top of me.

The candles eventually go out, leaving only one lit giving the room a lustful haze as the room fills up with our moans and constant grunts after each thrust. The floor covered in our clothing and low volumed music still playing.

I must say.

Best. Sex. Ever.

I'm so sorry for not adding the sex. It gets exhausting when every single girl asks me for a dirty imagine. It's like. Every sex scene is the same. They fuck. So want. Every romantic scene is different. Isn't that better? uggghhhjh. And it's 5 in the morning here in Japan and I'm sleepy. Lol.




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