Long Distance (Harry Styles)

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The Australian sun beamed through the curtains of my room, blinding me for a split second as I opened my eyes. The sound of my phone going off put a smile on my face. I grabbed my phone in my hands to see that I had a Skype call from him.

He does this every morning, and I do it to him too, to wake him up in the mornings.

I unlocked my phone quickly answering.

"Good morning babe." He said with a smile. I rubbed my eyes, the smile never leaving my face.

"Good morning Harry." I replied.

"You can't be in bed for very long love. You'll be late for school!" He exclaimed. I looked at the clock noticing I was already a little late.

"Shit.." I mumbled under my breath. I put my phone on my desk, letting it face me so he could see what I was doing. I rushed into my closet as Harry's laughs filled the room.

"This is not funny! You have no idea how much trouble I'll be in if I'm late!" I yelled, still running my hands through my closet.

"I know! I've gotten in trouble plenty of times for being late!" He reassures me.

"Says the one who never finished high school." I give him a stare and go right back into my closet, changing into my uniform.

"Love, you know you can change out here!"

"Not a chance lover boy." I smile at him as I take my phone and back pack and head out the door after saying bye to my mom.

"Woah babe, slow down!" Harry says while my footsteps get more and more faster the more late I get.

"Harry just Shutup." I laugh and begin walking even faster. Once I make it to my school, I lower the volume on my phone and shove it in my bag. Harry can hear me, but I can't hear him.

I rush into my class, late.

"Ms. Hadley. You're late. Again." The teacher gives me the death stare.

"I'm sorry I-" I try to explain only to be cut off by her.

"Office. Now."

I don't complain and make my way to the office pulling my phone out just before walking in.

Harry's laughing and I stare at him angrily.

"Gosh I hate that I love you." I snicker.

"I love you too. Have a good day in school love." He blows me a kiss before we both hang up.

"Long distance only works if both of you are willing to put the effort in to make it work."

Harry and I have been doing this for two years. Occasionally meeting up a few times.

All I can say is, 'he's the one.'

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