What Happened Here?

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I begin to sketch again, but this time with no ideas.
The picture goes from lines and shadows to a portrait of two murderers.
They look a little like Jeff and Toby, but almost completely different.
The picture has a lot of blood, so I finish it up and hide my book for the rest of the day.
Again, the day is easy, but this time, I have Jeff to talk to.
The only odd thing is that some chick kept staring at him and even talked to him about something he wouldn't tell me...
I think her name was Jane Arkensaw.
She's a bit weird, but not a nuisance.
Anyway, the day goes by quickly again and Jeff and I go pick up Toby after school and we go to the arcade.
Toby and Jeff still seem disconnected from the world.
I really want to ask what's wrong, but I don't want a violent reaction.
I noticed Toby has bandages on his hands, also.
They certainly are strange, but the strange ones are always more interesting in my opinion.
I'm going to ask them at some point, so why not now?
It can't hurt.
I really want to know so I can help them.
"Hey guys. I've noticed you've been acting a little strange lately. What's up? I really just want to help." I ask.
Toby looks at me with sadness in his eyes.
Suddenly, he hugs me.
What is going on?
Is it really that bad?
Why can't they answer the question?
"Toby, what's wrong?" I manage.
"M-my sister.... Sh-she's gone.... And, m-my dad's back.... He hurt the only two people I loved...." he gets out, trying not to cry.
An abusive father?
Probably an alcoholic.
I hug him back.
"It's okay. I can- no- I will get you out of there. I will do anything in my power to help you." I assure him.
I don't want anything to happen to these boys.
They are too kind to have anything like this happen to them.
He lets go and Jeff steps up.
He instantly starts crying.
It must be that bad to make him cry.
This time, I hug him to give comfort.
"M-my brother.... Was taken away.... For something I did.... I regret almost every moment of that morning." he gets out.
"I will help you get him out. I promise. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of you." I say.
"Thank you." he mouths and I let go.
"Looks like we're a crew of emos!" Jeff jokes.
They wipe their tears and we part ways, since we each have our own problems to deal with.
Time skip
The entire week goes by like a flash of lightning and soon, it's Saturday.
I'm not able to see Toby or Jeff today.
Jeff has to go to a birthday party and Toby is stuck at home with his father.
I feel bad.
I wish I could do something for these boys right now, but at the moment, that's impossible.
There's not really anything I can do today, so I search around on the internet for something to watch or to just shop.
There's nothing, so I watch the news.
The main headline is interesting and terrifying.
It reads, "Horrible Accident at Birthday Party".
The newsman is in front of a home that belongs to Jeff's neighbors.
"Oh my God..." I say without realizing it.
"There has been a burn victim. The boy's name is Jeffery Woods. Three boys infiltrated this home carrying guns. According to sources, they had poured vodka and bleach on Woods, then set him on fire. The boy has been taken to the local hospital and is receiving treatment now." says the newsman.
Jeff has been burned!?!?
Another headline appears, "Breaking News: Father Found Stabbed in Rogers' household".
What the hell is happening here?!?!
Did Toby murder his father?!?!
"A father of two has been stabbed numerous times. This man had lost his daughter in a car crash not too long ago. The suspect is the man's son, Toby Rogers, as reported by the boy's mother. The boy set the forest ablaze across the street, and firefighters are working to put out the fire. We presume that Rogers died in the fire." the man states.
What happened?!?!
One day without me and Jeff gets set on fire and Toby's presumed dead after murdering his father?!?!
I am now in tears after seeing this.
How could this have happened?!?!
I lay there, in fear that I lost both of them.
I watch the news everyday following.
I want to make sure that they're gone.
I text (y/bff/n) to tell her what happened.
Me: did u see the news???
(y/bff/n): I did!!! Wth happened??? Both of those boys might be dead!!!
Me: idk! I want to know!
(y/bff/n): gtg, my mom is calling for me.
Me: okay, bye
This cannot be happening!
For an entire week, there's nothing more on the subject.
Then, one day, comes the awaited report.
Toby is pronounced dead and Jeff has made a full recovery.
Apparently, the bleach did have an affect on his skin.
The picture they show of him doesn't look like him at all.
The only things that are the same, are his eyes.
A bright blue that pierces into your soul.
His hair has been singed black and his skin is completely white.
In the picture, he is wearing a white hoodie and black dress pants.
He looks changed.
What did that fire do to him?
I'm glad he's alive, but what did that experience do to him?

A Love Triangle (Jeff the KillerxreaderxTicci Toby)Where stories live. Discover now