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And my internship went on after that. Its been almost a week since, and I was slowly getting used of my job.

Passing the manuscripts to the editors, making coffeee for the workers whom asked and other publishing company things that we needed to help out on.

Sometimes, some of the journalists let us read the articles they wrote and ask our opinions about it before passing it to their editors.

Speaking of editors, theres this one most of us admires. And that is Levi Ackerman.

Hanji and Sasha often gushed about him. They said that even with his short height, he still got the looks (I had to admit yes) and his strong presence that sent others cowering.

((A/N: and fangirls ravishing *puts on shades* eeeeyyy- *chokes*
Eren: Chieen, stfu))

Hanji is our leader, or in other words, the one who's handling the interns. She's a woman with brown/brunette hair pulled into a ponytail and wore glasses over her matching brown eyes.

She's as cheerful as Sasha, and if I didn't knew them, I would've mistaken them as siblings.

Going back to Boss Levi, me and Eren were the ones usually assigned to him. And I'm impressed seeing his work. He's one of the top editors, though sometimes he could be Boss Erwin's, the owner of the company, right-hand man.

As for Eren, he's a nice guy. We always worked together in this intern thing and we would hang out together during lunch. Its fun having him around. Well, just him. When his 'friends' Jean and Connie joins in, then thats guy's talk. They get loud really bad.

Except for when he's with Armin. Armin is a blonde guy who's timid like a sheep and innocent as a cinnamon roll. When I'm with the two of them, its very nice.

Its later then I knew that Mikasa is Eren's adoptive sister. Besides my loud friend, Sasha, Mikasa was the opposite.

She's silent and emotionless. But she does her work very well. We talk every now and then, she's quite relaxing to be with. When I'm getting fed up with Sasha's hyper attitude, I join in with Mikasa to relax in a normal conversation. I would chat with the others as well, Christa and Ymir. Sometimes Hanji would join in as well in Sasha's feat.

Me and the girls, including Hanji, were having lunch in the breakroom. They were chatting away as I stood by Mikasa when suddenly the topic went to Boss Levi.

"Maaan, Boss Levi has a lot of admirers here in the office floor" Hanji said, taking a sip from her water bottle.

"Yeah, the other girls were giggling about him lately. And believe me once I tell you its really creepy" Sasha shuddered.

"And there you were gushing about him with Hanji lately" I added. "Hey!" Sasha protested. The others laughed.

"Then what about you, [f/n]? What do you think of Boss Levi?" Hanji asked.

I bit onto my rye tuna sandwhich. What do I think about him?

"Well" I swallowed "I admire him, but not the fangirl admire. He's a hardworker, and he does the best in his job" I said which the others nodded in agreement. Then I added in a low voice "Though, he has to fix that resting bitch-face of his" the others laughed, especially Hanji.

"I agree so bad" she stated. Then Sasha butted in.

"Do you really admire him?"

"Yeah I guess I do"

Sasha stopped for a while, tapping her chin. Her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers before pointing to me with an excited look on her face.

"I dare you, to send him a letter of admiration! Oh wait, write one more like a fan mail!" She proclaimed. I retorted.

"Huh?! He's not a celebrity or anything! And plus, I only admire him as a worker or intern"

"See? Thats the point! That would make the challenge in the dare!"

"I don't get the point, Sasha!" I facepalmed. How idiotic can this girl get?

"Okay okay lets make a deal!" She said "If you succeeded, I'll do whatever you want!"

"Anything I want?"


"So if I told you to jump off the building, you would do it?"

"Uh, Ye-"

"No just kidding, we wouldn't want Sasha's spirit haunting the office" I joked. Hanji joined in.

"Do it, [f/n]! I double dare you!" Hanji said. Oh no...

"And what if I didn't do the dare?" I turned to Sasha. She perked up "Then-" but she was interrupted by Hanji.

"I will assign all of Sasha's work on you, and you'll have to stay here extra late for it. In other words" Hanji's glasses glinted with an evil look, quite yandere-ish "Extra work"

I took a breath. Extra work huh? Thats sounds a bit...stressful. And I got a feeling that Hanji has another plot in the plan. I gulped. I pondered on it deeply.

If I did the dare, it would be just a normal fan letter. Levi wouldn't care either way. And if that succeeds, Sasha would do whatever I ask. If I didn't, I'll be given extra work and anxiety about Hanji's other plans.

I know its dumb, but after a brief minute, I sighed.

"Fine, fine, I'll do the dare" I said, biting my sandwhich out of frustration. Hanji and Sasha cheered whilst Mikasa placed a hand on my shoulders.

"My condolences..."


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