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There's this sycamore tree I used to climb as a kid. It's branches were pale, but thick enough for me to easily climb.

I would go there whenever I need to clear my head. It was the place where I can be nothing and feel none, where I wish the world would go away, or me to leave instead.

This was the safe haven no one else knew. And now, I'll be showing it to someone.

I climbed that tree that night when I waited for Eren. I looked up and saw the familiar view of stars beyond the branches and leaves from the tree.

I just stared at that view until I heard a car pull over.

I looked down, and slowly beyond the canopy of leaves, I saw Eren's shadow.

"Eren!" I shouted in a low voice, audible enough for Eren to hear.

He looked around for a bit before I called again.

"Eren, up here! The tree!" I said in the same voice and finally, he looked up and saw me.

"[f/n]?" Then he looked around him, probably making sure that no one saw him, thinking that he's crazy for talking to a sycamore tree.

He looked back at me. "What are you doing up there? That's dangerous, get down there"

I rolled my eyes. "Can you climb trees?"

"What? Of course I ca—"

"Then get up here!"

"The question is, can that branch take our weight?"

"Don't doubt a tree. Then we'll find out later once you're up here! Don't worry, when you fall..." I stared at him for a few moments before saying

"...I'll call an ambulance. Now climb!"

Eren sighed in frustration but anyway, he climbed, pushing himself up to a bramche before going to another until he reached where I sat.

Slowly and surely, he sat beside me on the thick branch.

We sat there for a while, staring at the stars until he talked.

"You know, I was convinced you were going to say 'If you fall, I fall' earlier to me"

"Ew. I'll hurt myself because of you? Nope" I scoffed.

"Heh, Why am I here in the first place?" Eren said, clearly being full of himself.

"I didn't ask you to come over" I nudged him and we laughed for a brief moment before it was silenced by the night once again.

My face felt warm for a moment before I let my head rest gingerly on Eren's shoulder. I feel him stiffen up a bit before I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"What happened?..." Eren asked in a low, comforting voice that made the tears from earlier come back.

I closed my eyes and in between sobs, I told him everything.

I continued to sob until it turned in to cries. I leaned my head onto his shoulder until it turned into a hug.

I didn't mind Eren seeing me like this. He said nothing, didn't judge me. He was silent, but his actions told another story. He held me in his arms, his hand stroking my hair. Gestures to say that it will be alright.

These feelings I contained inside, it overflowed. I didn't want Eren to go away nor let me go. I slowly looked up at him as if to make sure that he's still there.

His hands made it's way to my cheek, wiping away the traces of my sorrow. His teal eyes kind of glowed in the night, and it's enough to lure me in.

There, we kissed. His lips upon mine and mine upon his with only the leaves, the branches, the stars, the moon watching us.

He pulled closer, both of his hands on my cheek and I only tightened my arms around his torso. I stopped thinking altogether that night.

But I knew one thing. That Eren has the same feelings I have for him.

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