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"Kira-san! It's us again! Please reconsider our offer!"

Me and Eren stood in front of the author's door again. I rang the doorbell, but only silence responded to me.

Earlier this morning, I woke up in Eren's apartment bundled up in a soft blanket which I recognized as the one I tucked him in last night.

At first I wondered, why am I here? Then I remember I fell asleep last night, watching Eren in his slumber.

I blushed, I sat up quickly, called for the teal-eyed boy before he entered the living room. Still in his clothes from last night but with an apron.

I apologized multiple times for sleeping in.

We had breakfast at his place. And when I looked out of the window nearby, I saw grey clouds parting as the sun broke.

"Did it rain last night?" I asked, chewing on my bacon. Eren looked up at the window.

"Mhm, I guess it did. It was drizzling when I woke up"

We continued to eat but every now and then I would gaze at the window and watch as the sun broke out of the clouds, setting it's fire across the horizon, chasing the darkness away.

Nothing lasts forever. Not the cold night, not the storm. The sun will rise after. A new day, a new start. New beginnings. We could start over.

My eyes widened. The passage from the book last night echoed in my head.


"I told you to leave once. It's tiring to tell you twice! I won't reconsider anything! I gave up writing, okay?" With her window open, Kira shouted at us from her room.

"Please hear us out!" I shouted back but more politely. I hope I could convince her already and I hope it wouldn't go to the point where I have to sing Do You Want To Build a Snowman?

"Leave now before I call the police!"

"Please, Kira-san! We need you for the short story board! This'll be a good oppurtunity for you to start over!" Eren shouted and I smiled, seeing how he cooperated.

"You kids understand nothin'! Now leave!" She was about to close the window when I interjected.

"Please, Kira-san, hear us out! I've read your books and you're an amazing author! I know things must be hard for you now, and I'm not telling you to get over it quickly but let's slowly overcome this little by little!"

That seemed to catch her attention. She was mid-way in closing the window.

"If you think your writing is not enough, then you're wrong! Your stories lifted many people up! Including me! I'm sure there are people out there who feels the same and would want you to write again!"

I let out everything, every bottled up feeling inside me to my words, hoping it could reach her and see my true efforts for this.

"Remember what you said in your book? Nothing lasts forever. Not the cold night, not the storm. The sun will rise after. A new day, a new start. New beginnings. We could start over. It was one of my favorite quotes! My most actually!" I took my breath

"Grief. Sadness. Whatever you're going through now, it may last for long but not forever! And it's your choice if you'll make that last or not! Please, Kira-san! Take up our offer and write again!" I said, my fists clenched already. That was last ounce of my feelings for this issue. I chanted in my head open up. In hopes for me to convince her.

Eren tapped my shoulder "[f/n]..." his voice was low and when I turned to him, he pointed up at the window, which was now shut tightly with no signs of Kira Kasuka.

I huffed. And once, I felt like giving up, feeling the tears coming and my cheeks flushing from shame. I felt like a kid, getting angry and sad over something I wanted so bad only to lose it.

But I shook my head, taking a deep breath before stomping up to the porch and to her door.

Instead of politely ringing the doorbell in a calm manner, I knocked harshly on the door two times.

"Kira-san!" I called, keeping my voice together before it could break.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin' don't destory my door!"

I heard her voice grumble from the other side of the door. My eyes widened and turned to Eren.

I tried to say something that would express my euphoric emotions but nothing came out of mouth agape in a smile.

I swear, I looked like a fangirl meeting her favorite celebrity for the first time.

The door clicked open and I immediately turned, tensing up as Kira stood there.

Her hair was short and weathered with gray ones. A wrinkled expression stared back at me, arms-crossed.

Kira looked at me up and down.

"Yer sure are a passionate fan, eh? I see that you've been readin' my work very well" she gazed at Eren.

"This your boyfriend?"

I blushed and shook my head with a smile.

"No, no he's not. He's a co-worker" I said before continuing "so, um, about the offer..."

Kira sighed, scratching the back of her head.

"Well, I see your efforts in this..." she said before chuckling, looking off as if she's recalling a distant memory.

"I guess me suddenly stopping to write is just because of my selfish feelings and aspirations. Writing was supposed to save me, but I abandoned it. Looks like my own words are used against me" she chuckled again, almost a laugh this time.

It seemed that she reminisced something, something personal that happened in her life in which caused the downfall of her writing.

It's alright if she wouldn't share it with us. All that matters now is that she accepted whatever had happened and decided to begin again.

I recoiled "A-ah, sorry I didn't mean to-"

Kira waved her hand dismissively "No need for apologies, I deserved whatever you threw at me. And as apology from me for being rude to you both, I'll see what I can do with that offer of yours" she said before opening her door a little wider, a signal to welcome us in.

"Come on, let's talk about that short story of yours" Kira beckoned us to enter as she walked in.

I sucked in a breath, smiling from ear-to-ear. I pursed my lips as I let out little squeals of achievement.

As if happiness took over my mind, I jumped and gave Eren a hug. He had the same expression of joy as well.

I hugged him, giggling like crazy after a great success.

"Eren, we did it! We did it!" I started chanting 'we did it!' until I almost sounded like Dora The Explorer.

Eren laughed lightly "No, duh, You, did it [f/n]!" He cheered, before returning the small embrace.

Then we realized what we were doing and immediately pulled away, cheeks flushed and blushing.

I almost heard Kira snicker from the house.

"'He's a co-worker', she said" Kira turned to us "Hey, that door won't be open forever. Come on in already before I get tired of waitin' "

"Aha, C'mon" Eren said with an embarrassed smile before putting his hand on the small of my back then propelling me into the house.

All throughout, I was wallowing in my own happiness after all the effort.

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