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December 16th

Lucas woke up at 5 AM and sat up on the couch. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. It took him a long time to get to sleep the night before. For one thing, he hated sleeping on Maya's uncomfortable couch. But he also couldn't seem to stop replaying the moment he kissed Maya on the cheek. He had spent half the night trying to remember her reaction and wondering why he did that in the first place. Was it just because she was upset? Or had he been waiting to do it for a long time?

He tried to wake himself up as he pushed some bread into the toaster. He then tiptoed across the room and slowly opened Maya's bedroom door. Trying desperately not to wake Maya, he swept April out of her crib and quietly closed the door behind him. He laid the baby down in her carrier, but soon she was wide awake, so he let her crawl around on the floor while he got a bottle ready.

Once her diaper was changed, he fed her the bottle while watching TV without sound. It was almost 6, so Maya would probably be up soon anyway. April started to drift off again once she finished the bottle, and she was soon asleep on his chest. Lucas was almost asleep himself when he heard Maya's bedroom door creak open. He turned his head and saw her looking confused.

"Where's the baby?" she asked sleepily.

"Shh, she's asleep," Lucas told her, pointing to April.

"Did you feed her?"


"Can you stay with her while I take a shower?" Maya asked.

"Sure," Lucas smiled.

"I'll only be a minute," Maya yawned.

While Maya was showering, Katy emerged from her bedroom.

"Morning Lucas," she said casually.

"Morning," Lucas said cheerfully.

She began making herself a cup of coffee and Lucas continued watching TV.

"Hey, you remember the plan for today, right?" Lucas asked Katy quietly.

Katy nodded.

"Don't worry, I remember the plan, sweetie," she replied kindly.

"Good," Lucas affirmed.


"Thanks for getting April ready this morning," Maya said as she and Lucas walked to school.

"Hey, that's my job too," he replied.

"I can't believe how close Christmas is getting," Maya said as she admired the red and green displays in every store window.

"I can't believe it's our first Christmas with baby," Lucas stated.

Maya laughed lightly and then silence resumed.

Maya didn't see Lucas all morning. The only class they had together today was History, right before lunch. By around ten o'clock, Maya remembered she was supposed to be apologizing to Riley. They were sitting next to each other in Science, so Maya decided to just get it over with.

She's Having My Baby: A 12 Days of Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now