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December 20th

Lucas beamed with pride as he walked to Maya's with April. They'd made it through the night. No accidents, no injuries, not even too many middle-of-the-night wake-ups. He'd taken care of his daughter for a whole night by himself, without any help from Maya.

Since he was doing so well by himself, he decided not to wake Maya when he got to her apartment. He let himself in and set April down on her mat on the floor to play. As he sat on Maya's couch, going between watching TV and watching April, he remembered the jealousy he'd felt last night when he saw Maya with Josh. He also remembered the why he felt so angry with her this morning. He could still see the image perfectly clear in his mind: Maya and Josh stepping out of Lucas's room together. 

He waited until about eleven o'clock and then decided to wake Maya. He gave an unnecessarily loud knock and waited for her Maya to open the door. 

"What's your problem?" she asked, bleary eyed. 

"Nothing. It's eleven, so I thought I'd wake you," Lucas told her. 

Maya stepped past him and sat on the ground where April was. 

"What are you doing today?" she asked Lucas as she played with the baby. 

"No plans. It's the first day I've had off in a while, so I thought I'd just hang around. You?" 

"Me too. You don't have to stay here, you had her all night," Maya told him. 

"I need to talk to you about last night," Lucas said nervously. 

"Do we really need to talk about last night? You know we're just gonna end up fighting and ruining the whole day." 

Lucas said nothing and continued watching TV. 

"Well we can't just sit here and do nothing all day and not talk about it," Lucas said. 

"What is it that you wanna talk about so bad? Did you do something and you're just dying to tell me about it?" Maya snapped. 

"What? No! This isn't even about me!" Lucas defended. 

Maya stood up and moved over to him. 

"Who is it about, then?" she asked dangerously. 

Lucas took his head in his hands and breathed angrily. 

"What did you do with Josh in my room?" he asked evenly. 

Maya's mouth dropped opened slightly and her whole face turned red with anger. 

"That's what you think this is about? Me and Josh?" she almost shouted. 

"I don't think that's what this is about. That is what this is about." 

Maya turned around and paced around the room. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. 

"I don't even know how to deal with you. You actually think I had sex with Josh last night?" Maya screamed. 

"That's sure what it looked like," Lucas stated. 

"You don't think that's, like, a huge accusation to casually make?" Maya asked. 

"I don't hear you denying it." 

"I'm not denying it because I'm too shocked that these words are actually coming out of mouth. I didn't do anything with Josh. We didn't even kiss. You know what I was doing with him in your room? I was putting our kid to be. That's what I was doing," Maya spat. 

She returned to playing with April and began to feel hot, angry tears stream down her face. 

"I thought the same thing about you and Riley when I couldn't find either of you. The difference is I would never actually accuse you like that. And it's not even you business anyway," Maya said, her voice cracking. 

Lucas sat down across from her on the ground and saw her crying. 

"I'm sorry. I got jealous, and I guess I just blew it up in my head. I never wanted to upset you," he said gently. 

"Lucas, it's not even that I'm too upset over that. I'm most upset that you actually thought I would be stupid enough to do that again. That you don't think the fact that I have a baby is enough to scare me into abstinence for a very long time. You think of me the way everyone else thinks of me. If she did it once, she'll do it again," Maya said through her tears.

"Come here," he said, pulling her into him as she lay her head on his shoulder. "That is so, so not how I think of you. I think you're a strong, beautiful, smart girl who just happens to be a great mother to my child. That's what I think of you. Got it?" Lucas asked. 

Maya nodded and sniffed.  

"It's a real mess we got ourselves into, huh?" Maya said. 

"What mess are you referring to?" Lucas laughed. 

"We're never gonna get out of this. It's a vicious circle. We're never not gonna get jealous when one of us is interested in someone else. We love each other, but in a different way then other people our age can understand. We're with each other too often. We don't work as a couple, but it still feels weird to love anyone else but you. It's a vicious circle. And we're stuck in it," Maya said. 

"Maybe we need a break from each other for a while? I mean, we do see each other way too often, and we only ever bicker or talk about the baby. Maybe we should set up a schedule for April and stick to it," Lucas suggested. 

"I guess we can try it. Only see each other at school and to drop off April to each other. Take care of her separately for a while, instead of together." 

"We can still be together with April at Christmas though, right?" Lucas asked. 

"Of course," Maya smiled. 

"So we're really doing this? Taking a break from working as a team?" Lucas confirmed. 

"I guess so." 

"Okay. I guess I better go then," Lucas said. 

"I'll keep her today, and you can take her tomorrow," Maya told him. 

"Sounds good. I'll see you later then," Lucas said, heading for the door. 

"Bye," Maya said quietly, wondering if this was a good idea and suddenly feeling more alone than ever.


A/N: Mostly dialogue which might be kind of annoying idk. How many people have school tomorrow? I have school Monday and Tuesday and then I'm done for two weeks. Anyway, hope you liked the chapter :)

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