Seeing Santa

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December 18th

It was Maya and Lucas's last day of school before finishing for Christmas, although they were both working until the 22nd. Lucas had the baby after school while Maya was at work. They had agreed that when Maya was done with work they would take April to see Santa. 

Lucas was at home with April preparing for the party to be held the next day. He wasn't overly-excited about the party itself, but he was excited that Maya was coming and that she was bringing the baby. In fact, he wasn't really too sure about who else was coming, he'd just told people to spread the word. He was astounded that his parents agreed to let him have the party in the first place. The only catch was that one of them was going to be there the whole time, but Lucas didn't really care that much. He was just happy that he had convinced Maya to come. 

He'd just finished making a bottle for April when his mother came through the door. Her hair was falling out of the tight up-do she always had it in and she looked as if she'd gotten wet. 

"Hey," Lucas said as she walked into the room. 

"Hello, honey," she said breathlessly as she hung up her coat. 

"Is it raining?" Lucas asked as he held April in his arms and fed her. 

"Pouring. Rain in December, it seems so odd." 

"How was work?" 

"Awful. There's so much to get done and so little time," she said, exasperated. 

Lucas said nothing and continued to feed his daughter. 

"Darling, can you look at the laptop for me? It keeps giving me a popup I can't get rid of," she asked as she leaned over the kitchen table staring at the screen. 

"Sure. Can you finish feeding April for me?" Lucas asked, getting up and heading towards her with the baby. 

"Actually, I think I have it now. Thanks anyway," she replied quickly. 

Lucas sat back down and sighed. Ever since April was born, his mother had wanted little or nothing to do with her. He'd been expecting it all through Maya's pregnancy considering his mother was so pro-adoption, but he had really thought that things would change once she saw the baby. Instead she avoided being near the baby whenever possible and always dodged out of holding or feeding her. Maya wouldn't even come to Lucas's apartment when his mother was around anymore unless it was absolutely necessary; his mother had made it quite clear that she wasn't welcome there. 

Lucas felt terrible about it, but there was nothing he could do to change his mother's mind. She was unhappy about him being a teenage father and blamed Maya for making it that way. She rarely took it out on Lucas, but their relationship had definitely changed. It seemed like she could never treat him the same knowing that he now had a child. 

"Maya and I are taking April to see Santa today. Won't that be cute?" Lucas told his mother. 

"That's nice," she answered, without looking up from the laptop screen. 

He could tell she was still trying to fix the problem she'd asked him to fix previously. 

"Actually, I think I'll go now. Bye," Lucas said, annoyed that his mother was so indifferent to his child. 

He packed up April's things and strapped her into her stroller. He had made sure she was dressed in the elf outfit Riley had bought for her, just like Maya asked. As he left he tried not to slam the door behind him, but still closed it a little louder than normal. 

When he arrived at the movie theater where Maya worked, he remembered what she'd said the last time about not being early and not coming in and waiting. He stood outside, but the rain started up again and it was freezing outside. April was crying and even though she was all bundled up, he was worried she'd still be cold. He checked the time. There were only five minutes in Maya's shift, so he figured it would be no harm for them to stand inside.  

Maya saw him and gave him a look of warning. She went and got her things together but Lucas saw her boss stop her as she tried to leave. She looked a little upset, but nothing too major. She then marched where Lucas was standing and bent down to look into the stroller. She leaned in and kissed April on the nose before standing up and shoving Lucas away from the stroller so she could push it herself. 

"Did you get in trouble?" Lucas asked worriedly. 

"I told you not to show up early with her anymore," Maya said icily as they left the theater. 

"I know and I'm sorry. It was just that my mom was bothering me and then it was raining and I didn't want April to be cold and-"

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Ready to see Santa?" Maya chirped up suddenly. 

There was less of a line than they'd expected when they got to the mall. Maya picked April out of her stroller and held her while they waited. She flattened down what little hair April had and fussed over her until it was their turn.  

"And who do we have here?" the man dressed as Santa asked as Maya, April and Lucas approached him. 

He looked surprisingly realistic. His beard was real and he wore small, round, silver-rimmed glasses. Maya was still holding April, but she handed him over when he reached for her. 

"This is April," Maya said as she sat her on Santa's lap. 

"And how old is little April?" he asked kindly. 

"8 months," Maya answered. 

"And are you her sister?" he questioned. 

Lucas saw Maya stiffen and her cheeks went red.

There was a slight pause that seemed to go on forever before Maya smiled nervously and nodded yes. 

"Do you two wanna be in the picture?" the photographer asked, pointing to Lucas and Maya.

The two stared at each other and Lucas shrugged. They stepped into the frame, smiled,  and the camera flashed multiple times.

Lucas picked up April, who was a little teary but hadn't cried much during the photo-taking. 

"Are you coming back to my place tonight?" Maya asked as they moved away from the Santa area. 

"It doesn't matter to me. I guess I will. You know, to help take care of your sister," Lucas said sarcastically. 

"Shut up," Maya said quietly. 

They walked the rest of the way home in silence. 


A/N: Sorry this is up so late! I was busy all day and only got the chance to write it now. Hope you like :)

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