Merry Christmas

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December 25th

Maya woke up to April's cries at nine o'clock. It was much later than normal, much to Maya's delight. She'd take a lay-in whenever she could. For a minute she forgot she'd invited Lucas into bed with her the previous night. But when she remembered, she poked him in the face a few times until his eyes opened.

"Morning," she smiled, their faces very close together.

"Merry Christmas," he smiled back.

They both got out of bed and Maya picked April up. They made their way out to the living room. Maya's mother wasn't awake yet, but Maya was almost glad of it. She wanted a few minutes of just the three of them.

They gave April some of the toys they'd bought her and she played with them happily. Lucas was very thankful for the watch, but even more so for the picture. Just as Maya had expected.

"Who took that?" he asked, staring at the photograph.

"Riley. She sent it to me from her phone when I asked her if she had any pictures from that day," Maya told him.

"You look beautiful," Lucas smiled.

"I look like I just had a baby," Maya laughed.

Lucas then handed Maya a small wrapped box to open. She tore off the thin paper and opened the box.

"Wh-What...what is th-" Maya stumbled.

"Relax, it's not an engagement ring or anything. I like to call it a "bound-by-a-baby" ring. Because that's what we are. I got you that ring so you remember that we don't need to be a couple or anything other than what we are. We're always gonna be in each other's lives whether we like it or not. No matter how many new people come and go, it'll always be you, me, and her," Lucas explained, gazing at April and then at Maya.

Maya had tears in her eyes.

"Thank you," she said tearfully.

She kissed him lightly on the lips.

Lucas made some oddly shaped pancakes and they ate together on the couch, April in between the two of them. Maya looked down at the ring and smiled. Lucas was right. It didn't matter whether they ended up together in the end or not. They were always going to be tied together in a way that none of their other friends were.

Lucas was washing the dishes and vaguely noticed Maya go into her room talking on her phone. Minutes later, she burst out of the room and jumped onto him.

"I have a job again!" she squealed as she held onto him.


"I got a job at a little clothing store. It's gonna be so much better than my old job. They know about April and everything and they still hired me!"

"That's great, Maya!" Lucas exclaimed.

They back down on the couch together with April.

"This turned out to be one of the best Christmases I've had in a while," Maya admitted.

Lucas was so happy for her. He could feel how happy she was.

"Merry Christmas, Maya," he smiled, putting an arm around her.

"Merry Christmas, Lucas," she smiled back, leaning into him.

And together, they both looked at their daughter. Their sweet, beautiful daughter who had a tough road ahead of her, but who had parents who loved her more than anything else in the world.

"Merry Christmas, April," they said together.


A/N: Merry Christmas, guys. Comment your favourite thing that you got!

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