Skating & Secret Sharing

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December 22nd

"And you're sure you don't mind watching her? Because you can go instead of me. I don't mind," Maya persisted.

"No, Riley wants you to go. I want you to go. Stop trying to get out of going and get out of here," Lucas laughed.

"Fine. Call me if you have any problems," Maya reminded him.

"Don't worry, I won't," Lucas replied.

Maya headed to Riley's. Riley had planned this weeks ago, but Maya had completely forgotten about it until that morning. Riley wanted Maya to go ice skating with her and Farkle. Maya would've said no, but Riley was so eager and excited that she just couldn't. Maya had been ice skating a couple of times and found she was actually pretty good at it, so she tried to convince herself that it would be fun.

"Maya! I really thought you were gonna back out!" Riley laughed as she let Maya into her apartment.

"Yeah, well, here I am!" Maya replied.

"I'll text Farkle that you're here," Riley said as Maya sat down on the couch.

"Hey Maya!" Cory greeted her as he walked out of his bedroom.

"Hey," Maya smiled.

"How's April doing?" he asked politely.

"She's great, thanks. She's at Lucas's," Maya told him.

"That's great. So you guys are going ice skating?" he asked.

"Yeah. We're just waiting for Farkle," Maya said.

"That's nice. haven't noticed anything about those two, have you?" he asked, suddenly lowering his voice while Riley was in her room waiting for Farkle.

He seemed concerned, as if he were desperate for an answer.

"What?" Maya asked, genuinely confused.

Before he could elaborate, Riley and Farkle emerged from Riley's room.

"What's up, Farkle?" Maya greeted him.

"Hi Maya," he replied.

Maya talked to Farkle nowadays even less than she used to. He had never treated her the same ever since he found out Lucas was the father of her baby. Maya didn't dwell on it too much, but it did kind of annoy her.

"Looks like we're ready to go!" Riley chirped.

Riley kept the conversation going most of the way there.

"It was nice of Lucas to stay home with the baby so you could come with us," Riley said as Maya walked behind her and Farkle on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, it was. He likes staying home with her," Maya responded.

"It's great that you two work so well together. You guys make it look so easy."

Maya almost laughed. If only she knew.

They arrived at the skating rink and lined up to get their skates. All three of them sat on a bench to put them on. Maya noticed Riley struggling to put hers on and was about to offer her help when Farkle did so instead.

"Here, I'll do it," he bent down and fastened them up for her.

Maya knew that strapping skated on Riley and putting her on ice was a terrible idea, but she knew she had to at least let her try. Maya stepped onto the ice first, and Farkle came second. Maya was prepared to help Riley onto the ice, but stepped back when she saw Farkle take both of Riley's hands and guide her along.

"Easy, don't try to go too far too fast," Farkle told Riley kindly, but Maya could've sworn he looked at her when he said it.

Riley fell after about a minute of trying to move around. Farkle helped her up and they both giggled. Maya realized that there was no point in standing around. Farkle was there to help her, they didn't need Maya there too.

Maya skated around in circles a few times and then got bored. She sat back down on the bench and watched Riley and Farkle. Riley would fall, Farkle would grab her and pull her back up, and they would laugh. One of the times Maya saw Farkle gently tuck Riley's hair behind her ear after helping her up.

Once Riley started to get the hang of it Farkle held her hand and they skated together back and forth. They weren't covering much distance, nor were they going very fast, but they seemed to be having the time of their lives together.

Now Maya understood Cory's question earlier. He was worried that there was something going on between Riley and Farkle. And he was right.

"Maya! Look, I'm doing it! Come here!" Riley beckoned Maya after a while.

Maya made her way back onto the ice and over to Riley.

"Good job, Riles. Wanna do one more circle before we finish up?" Maya asked.

"Sure!" Riley said happily.

"I'm gonna go get us some hot chocolate," Farkle said before skating off.

Maya moved at the same slow pace as Riley. Riley had to grab onto Maya's arm a few times, but she'd definitely gotten the hang of it.

"So you and Farkle, huh?" Maya said as they moved slowly along.

Riley almost slipped, but Maya caught her just in time.

"What about me and Farkle?" Riley asked quickly.

"You two are a thing, aren't you?"

Riley just blushed and smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Maya asked.

"You have better things to be doing than hearing about me and Farkle," Riley said, almost embarrassed.

"Riles, I'll always have time to hear about what's going on in that little head of yours," Maya reassured her.

Riley beamed at Maya as they finished their lap of the skating rink.

"So when did this start?" Maya asked.

Riley looked around to make sure Farkle wasn't back yet.

"Well it's been going on for a while, but...we kissed at Lucas's party the other night," Riley whispered.

"Aww, that's great Riley," Maya smiled.

Maya felt genuinely happy for Riley. Even if she wasn't too friendly with Farkle anymore, Maya was glad that Riley was happy.

Riley and Maya gossiped about this new development until Farkle came back.

"What are you guys talk-" Farkle began, sitting next to Riley on the bench.

"Nothing," Riley said before he could finish his sentence.

Maya tried to hold in her laughter as she watched Riley's face get redder and redder.


A/N: Riarkle: yes or no? Personally, I think they're the perfect match but that's just me ;)

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